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When you buy tax you have to show your insurance documents so why don't you have to do it when you take the car for an MOT?

Why when you buy fuel don't you have to show your insurance documents and your photo drivers licence.

No licence and no insurance documents then no fuel.


It would soon get rid of a lot of uninsured drivers because you can't go anywhere with out the fuel!!!!!!!!

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You can own a car and not have a license (this is an ownership issue, the same as any other item you possess), you only need a license to use it on a public road.

Same goes for insurance, tax, and MOT.

SORN covers untaxed vehicles.

MOT will probably go through changes very soon.

I don't think the fuel thing would work. I can't see the likes of Esso, BP, Texaco agreeing to not sell fuel to someone without checking thier details. It would be wide open to fraud anyway.

Also, what if it's a company car, a friends car, a shared vehicle?

In Northern Ireland I believe they have an insurance disc? good idea.

I don't think it'll be long before a Police officer can 'flash' a vehicle and know instantly if it's taxed, MOT'd, Insured, and the owner holds the correct drivers license.

Les. :)

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a few reasons it's not that 'simple'

1. corruption. One simple under-the-counter donation, there's your documents for the year. Unless you had to show insurance for tax too, then the answer is unnecessary duplication; MOT testers are trained in checking the many points they have to check, no others, in a very limited time. You want higher price MoT's? Besides, what would it achieve? people would have to organise a friend with "other peoples' cars 3rd party" insurance to drive the car to the MoT for them, achieving nothing at all.

As for showing insurance for fuel:

2. you drive to the other end of the country where you need petrol. You left your insurance certificate at home. It blew out of the window as you were driving along. the dog went to the toilet on it. no fuel, you can't drive home.

3. you have got a non-standard insurance [trade insurance, fleet insurance, insurance to drive a car not belonging nor hired to you, etcetera]. Every time you get fuel, you have to give a 30-minute lesson in insurance law to a YTS trainee working selling fuel; unless you get the point across, before your fuel gets particularly low, you're stuck for at least 2 hours waiting for the police to turn up; unless they're more intelligent than the average bobby, make that indefinitely. No point in stopping there, may as well give bazookas to jobseekers, send them onto motorway bridges with instructions to shoot at anybody suspected of changing lanes without indicating.

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When you buy tax you have to show your insurance documents so why don't you have to do it when you take the car for an MOT?

Why when you buy fuel don't you have to show your insurance documents and your photo drivers licence.

No licence and no insurance documents then no fuel.


It would soon get rid of a lot of uninsured drivers because you can't go anywhere with out the fuel!!!!!!!!

Are you related to the prime minister? you seem to share his uncanny knack of solving age-old issues and inherant-human failings with one simple piece of legislation. Nothing like a bit of pointless law-making to sort things out eh. I for one would love to have to carry all of my insurance and vehicle history around with me everytime I fill up. Ooh ooh! perhaps all the information could be kept on our new identity cards?




For reference see..... "Knee jerk reactionary policy-making(1997-2005, Anthony Blair)"... firearms legislation, fox hunting, countryside rights of way act, et cetera, et cetera.........

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MOT's are changing that's why there about to jump from £35 to £50 to cover the changes.

All going digital so the DVLA will know if your car is MOT'd before you do.

Insurance is already like it so a coper knows if your truck is insured before he pulls you over. Making Trade plate more important for traders to display.

I can't see Papers for fuel working have you not seen a Tesco petrol station on a Sat afternoon :):)

I buy my fuel on the way to work twice a week in my Disco 2 which herts enough as it is at 6 AM, I still have to que.

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For reference see..... "Knee jerk reactionary policy-making(1997-2005, Anthony Blair)"... firearms legislation, fox hunting, countryside rights of way act, et cetera, et cetera.........


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As has been said, they already know these days just from your number plate. Round here they park vans by the side of the road with number plate recognition cameras in and pull people over when it flags up they're not taxed/insured/MOT'd.

Funny part is everyone thinks it's a speed camera so slows down, making it easier for the camera to read your plate :lol:

Oh and they do the same thing via CCTV cameras now - when the guys in the control room have nothing better to do they will scan up and down lines of cars (and the council car parks they police) for out of date tax discs. They can read them from a LONG way away too, and they've got night vision :blink:

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It really is very simple.

1) If your insurance and mot ain't on your photo licence then no fuel. Technology allows us to scan these details very easily and quickly. The petrol stations would be forced to purchase this technology. And yes they can afford it, just look at the profits of BP, SHELL etc.. You would have to have a seperate licence for each car. After all you can only drive one at a time. If you want to have multiple vehicles then you have to pay for the licence's.

2) If you lose your licence then that's your fault no one else's.

3) If some lowlife steals your licence and uses it fraudulently then it means 10 years jail for them. No exceptions and none of this out in ten minutes carp.

4) The savings made on not paying massive insurance premiums to cover the accidents of the uninsured should be passed back to the true motorist who abides by the law to enable him to pay for his licence's.

If you starve them of fuel you end the problem of the uninsured virtually overnight.

It really is the only way because plod will never defeat the LEGION OF THE UNINSURED simply because there are too many of them.

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Trainspotter - separate licence for each vehicle??? At work I'm allowed to drive any of 30,000 fleet vehicles and my domestic insurance covers me for any rented/loaned/borrowed vehicle. So every time I change vehicles I have to wait two weeks and pay the DVLA £8 for another photo card? And carry them all round with me in case I need to swap vehicles.

Shurely what you mean is number-plate recognition at fuel pumps, the system could electronically talk to the DVLA and refuse to switch the pump on if you're out of tax or MOT.

But of course the criminals could go to the pump in a legal car with a jerry can or five in the back and fill up their dodgy bangers at home. Or just siphon it from someone else's car...

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refuse to switch the pump on if you're out of tax or MOT.

Or reported stolen. If there is no tax/MOT/Insurance it could tell the police where the car is.

Better still. switch the pump on and fill the tank with water, recoil the hose thus trapping the driver against the pump until Plod arrives.

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It really is very simple.

Trainspotter, nothing is really THAT simple, unless you're part of the Whitehall bunch of sycophants!

If you starve them of fuel you end the problem of the uninsured virtually overnight.

... at the same time creating an underworld market for fuel stolen from cars parked in the streets.

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I don't really think you drive 30,000 different vehicles do you. Someone's talking out of their arse aren't they!!!!!

And as for the black market give them ten years apiece. Soon cures the problem.

You guy's are either frightened of the criminals or you are apologists and appeasers as you seem very quick to criticsize an honest man but you refuse to come up with any real ideas or constructive ones to combat a plague that is prevalent in society today.

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Terrorists, honestly! The nerve, disagreeing with a so-obviously-reasonable well-considered non-interference with freedom of movement. Have you considered a career with the Bush administration? In Iraq, preferably. I hear there are openings in North Korea in the near future :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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When you buy tax you have to show your insurance documents so why don't you have to do it when you take the car for an MOT?

Why when you buy fuel don't you have to show your insurance documents and your photo drivers licence.

No licence and no insurance documents then no fuel.


It would soon get rid of a lot of uninsured drivers because you can't go anywhere with out the fuel!!!!!!!!

MOT what! mmm don't have them now ( so my hand brake will never work now :lol: ) , and as for insurance is incluced in my road Tax

Tee Hee one advantage of Queensland

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I don't really think you drive 30,000 different vehicles do you. Someone's talking out of their arse aren't they!!!!!

I think someone's being pedantic, aren't they? :P

Granted I'm unlikely to work my way through the entire fleet, but when the van breaks down (quite regular) or goes in for a service (less regular) I don't know which vehicle I may get to replace it out of probably 500+ locally.

When out working as part of a team there can be up to 10 assorted vehicles from various places, any one of which I may need to drive. If there's an emergency somewhere remote or flooded (or just needs a genset towed to) I may need to ditch the van and collect the nearest 4x4, again NFI which one of the many that will be. If we need a cherry picker for access I might have to go and get one, then there's the 7.5 tonner emergency exchange on wheels, cable jointing wagons...

My point is I can reasonably expect to require the use of a hell of a lot of vehicles, especially when the manure hits the rotary ventialtion apparatus, and not easily identify which ones they may be at any given point in time, certainly not with enough notice to apply for a new licence card to drive it!

What about emergency services, they need to be able to drive any vehicle they find, whether it's stuffed into a hedge, broken down in the fast lane or whatever. Not just talking police/fire/ambulance but what about the AA blokes? Then there's people who work in garages or even kwik-fit for that matter.

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What about emergency services, they need to be able to drive any vehicle they find, whether it's stuffed into a hedge

Recently the handbrake failed on an Audi A3 and it ploughed into a parked car. Whilst the police were arranging recovery trucks the driver of the Audi appeared. The bobby asked him to move his car, but he said he'd had a few and could the copper move it! To which the officer replied "We're not insured to do that"

BTW - At the end of it all the Audi driver got into his car & drove off in full view of the bobbies, having admittted he'd had a few!!!!!!

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