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Total off road mag


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Mine droped through the door thismorning the wife has already red it cover to cover and phone me to glote that she gets a mention and I don't. :unsure:

Yep, dropped through the letterbox yesterday. Another good issue, well worth reading. (and I get a mention) :ph34r:

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Delivery gets a bit erratic at times through the year. I've got it ordered through the local newsagent but it hasn't arrived yet :( . Must get organised with a subscription.

Made the mistake of buying LRO this month. More adverts than articles and the write-ups are worse than ever <_<

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Do you really think its a good mag at the minute???????????

Write ups for events are small to the point of almost non existance and the content, is well, filling if nothing else.

Ibexman if you want a copy give me a call (We stock it).

But is it just me or do the mags ( and i mean all of them) have no good articles bout events abroad or in this country????

They seem to just expect everypne to now what hapened.. :angry:

TOR gave TWO pages, yeh that was all to the coverage of the Ladoga trophy and The Outback challenge.

Malaysia dont even get a mention these days :(

Bout time the mags gave us better coverage, FOR ALL landrover based motorspaort wether trialing, comp (Hiya jules) challenge or other types.

Without the LRO artciles in the '90's about malaysia, translyvania, cevenol etc, i would never have got to do what i do now :(

So come on mags, give us something worth reading :D

Jim :)

Sorry Mr Ibexman for a thread hi-jack :rolleyes:

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The mags use what they are sent, its as simple as that. I make sure I send reports and pics from AWDC events which means we get coverage - not huge I admit but better than nothing.

There isn't an army of reporters covering events across the country or across the globe. I think you'll find that editorially TOR is just 2 people.

If you take the trouble to sit down, write something and send it to them with a CD of pics I think you're pretty much guaranteed that they'll use it - works for me....

Apart from TOR only LRE and LRM are vaguely interested in sport and again, they rely on your contributions

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If you take the trouble to sit down, write something and send it to them with a CD of pics I think you're pretty much guaranteed that they'll use it - works for me....

;) me too - some more stuff and bigger articles from my big trip coming up in the near future :D


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TOR do give more than any other but as a whole the BORC go one page of editorial for the whole season with is a little poor its better than all the others, Ali has moved out to Aus and only one mag showed any intrest in what he was doing and the evernts he offered to cover as a brit that has challange expeiance doing the write ups.

At events I have made freinds with some sound guys that freelance guys that struggle to sell there photo's and articals to the mags but when the mags are asked they say there is no one covering the events.

The motor sport news are carp aswell they point blank refuse to give challange editorial print space and it very hard to get more than a few words about the british off road championships wich is a MSA event.

I like TOR its the only mag I look forward to getting each month.

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You used the magic word there - SELL.

The mags won't pay for motorsport coverage as it doesn't sell magazines. What very limited editorial budget there is will likely go as retainers for people who guarantee to generate a certain number of pages each issue - even it is usually twaddle.

If you want coverage for your car, discipline, event, you have to work to generate it I'm afraid

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Has anyone got a copy of the TOR issue with Ladoga 2005 in it? we had Fred Kriggsman eat us out of camp and the fat sod didnt even send us a copy (wait till next June wookie boy- you'll have to bring your own vodka and sarnies)

To give TOR thier due they were to first western european mag to feature Ladoga, the rest of the press seems to stop with events a few Kms over the channel :(

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You used the magic word there - SELL.

The mags won't pay for motorsport coverage as it doesn't sell magazines. What very limited editorial budget there is will likely go as retainers for people who guarantee to generate a certain number of pages each issue - even it is usually twaddle.

If you want coverage for your car, discipline, event, you have to work to generate it I'm afraid

Your preaching to someone thats been featured in every LR/4x4 mag in the UK and some french ones I have not seen.

I have promoted my trucks just a bit over the last three years before that it was the clubs I used to run.


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Ironic isn't, I open this months copy of TOR this afternoon and it is jam packed with motorsport action....

I really must watch wot i say sometimes ;)

But, the point remains that the mags do NOT cover as well as they could.

Neil we have done exactly wot you say and yes they do publish small badly edited parts of the article and some of the photos, but that is all in our experince.

Fiona Richardson spent two days dragging herself round the three peaks taking photos etc.....

And what did she get two pages :angry::(

So it think we can safely say that the mag ain't that intrested.

Shame really.

Nice report bout the AWDC... part from the rather BIG cliche with the scores.......

I rest my case

Don't even proof read by the looks of it :(

And before everyone gets on my case, I think TOR this month is very good, Much better than recently.

Jez, sure i have a copy of TOR with Ladoga in it, will look it out for you.

Just don't get to excited :P it gets a page, and half of that is one photo :(

See Ya

Jim :P

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Still haven't seen it so shouldn't really comment further...

Two pages for one event seems pretty fair - that's what I give to each event in the AWDC mag - although maybe not to the reporter who slogged for it.

I offered them a feature on the Eurotrial in Austria last year but they didn't respond!!

My understanding is that TOR want to be the No1 mag for challenge in the UK - shouldn't be too hard, but if we all feed them constantly they may go with it

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Still haven't seen it so shouldn't really comment further...

Two pages for one event seems pretty fair - that's what I give to each event in the AWDC mag - although maybe not to the reporter who slogged for it.

I offered them a feature on the Eurotrial in Austria last year but they didn't respond!!

My understanding is that TOR want to be the No1 mag for challenge in the UK - shouldn't be too hard, but if we all feed them constantly they may go with it

Shame about the Eurotrial, that would have been good

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I've been to the last 4 Eurotrials plus the first 2 SuperCrawls and an Scandinavian event (Icelandic Formula) and offered each one to a commercial mag and they've all not responsed...

If ANYONE has anything of substance then send it to me for All Wheel Driver and I will use it

That's a promise

It may ONLY be a club magazine, but we are devoted to off-road

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