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The simple ideas are often the best


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We all know the feeling..... driving along the motorway and something goes wrong. This time it was in the company car... :(

A trip to work is normally quite uneventful along the M20. This morning was different. Mother Nature’s sprinkler system had been activated and the lorries were kicking up a mist of spray. There was I, quite happily trundling up the middle lane (overtaking two lorries) at some miles an hour when the driver’s side wiper blade/arm decides that it’s going to slip on its spindle. It was quite happy to wipe the back of the wing mirror, but not the screen!! :angry:

So.....in a few moments I’d managed to slow down, get to the hard shoulder and get out to investigate. Remembering I’d got no tools on board, I’m thinking “how do I fix this, then??”

I got the keys out of the ignition to open the bonnet to get at the mechanism to see if a nut had come loose (had it all apart last week for a new windscreen), but nothing obvious apart from a collection of small metal filings on the valence.

“How do I fix this??” I thought to myself...........................................

Jangling the keys in my hand with lorries rushing past in the pouring rain I had an Einstein moment!! My keyring happens to be one of X-Eng’s finest and hence has 13mm and 10mm spanner cut-outs. GENIUS!!!

Took the arm assembly off to see that all of the splines on the spindle and the arm have disappeared and the whole thing relies on friction to activate. Obviously the removal and refitting last week had disturbed the ‘bond’ that had been created over 5 years of abuse as a company car (at this point I add that I’ve only had it for 3 months).

Did the 13mm nut up F'ing tight and took a slow trundle to work with the wipers off!!!

I can’t praise this simple idea enough!! Nice one Si!!! Saved me 2 hours of sitting on the motorway embankment in the rain and the company a recovery charge.


Sorry for the mildly OT post, but credit where credit is due and all that!!

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Reminds me of the time I was stuck in a layby in a Cortina, no tools and closed up points. A quick scavage round yielded an iron bar and a half-brick, which I used as a hammer and drift to open the points sufficiently to get on my way.

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Jangling the keys in my hand with lorries rushing past in the pouring rain I had an Einstein moment!! My keyring happens to be one of X-Eng’s finest and hence has...

....a bottle opener. So I cracked open a cold one while I waited for the big yellow taxi :)

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....a bottle opener. So I cracked open a cold one while I waited for the big yellow taxi :)

In hindsight and after the day I've had, that would have been a better plan!! But, alas, the co. car has no fridge, so it would have been mildly chilled at best :(

Must remember to pack a beer into my work bag every morning..............you know..............just in case :lol:

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It was the most handy bit of kit we used at the Muddy Truckers last year , Around the bonfire cracking open some very cold beers , Trouble was everyone wanted to use it and I had my Land Rover keys attached to it .

Nice one Si ;)

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