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HOFS T-shirtS 2008.


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Ok folks, looks like its time to get the 2008 round of T-shirts going for the trip to Lagoda.


This thread is to get the ball rolling, gather suggests / feedback and generally kick start things. I'm not sure how much help I can be from here, but hopefully this will start things rolling for Jez and the gang.

1. I'm in, who's with me?

2. Who can help with the arrangements? I'm willing to help with admin if I can. (Or anything else I can do remotely).

3. I believe(?) it was Michele or Puggy who came up with the winning formula last year - and I still haven't washed it for fear of it fading! :rolleyes::moglite: So who can help with the design etc this time? [Can we have the colour back-print I wanted last year? :P:ph34r: ]

No much useful info, but hopefully this message will get it going.

Cheers, Al.


P.S. Can a mod change the title to something in English please!

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I'm not going to organise it but I will buy a couple.

As mentioned elsewhere, I am more than happy to do a nude calender and send it as a download to anyone who won't buy a T-shirt. I can probably get the like of Moglite, Will Warne and Dan Wallace to help me on this so no pressure then

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I am happy to purchase the end product ( not the calender, as that appeared while replying :huh: ), but i can not help with the making it happen as its something i know nought about!!

As the design worked well last year is it possible to keep it along the same lines, but change colours or something subtle to make the 2008 version different to 2007.......

Have to keep the exclusivity darling!!!!! :P

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If Jez and Co are happy with the idea I'm happy to help in anyway I can :) Ringing/posting/collecting etc.

We gave one of ours away to Rob @ PortalTek last year and my other one is getting faded due to gym-wearing! :(

We have Shires' t-shirts contacts, but maybe Pugwash still has the design/arrangements left over from last year?

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I'm not going to organise it but I will buy a couple.

As mentioned elsewhere, I am more than happy to do a nude calender and send it as a download to anyone who won't buy a T-shirt. I can probably get the like of Moglite, Will Warne and Dan Wallace to help me on this so no pressure then

The thought of seeing myself nude has scared me enough... I'll have a couple of t-shirts!! :lol::ph34r:

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I'm not going to organise it but I will buy a couple.

As mentioned elsewhere, I am more than happy to do a nude calender and send it as a download to anyone who won't buy a T-shirt. I can probably get the like of Moglite, Will Warne and Dan Wallace to help me on this so no pressure then

isn't this demanding money with menaces????

That said I'm in again, as previously mentioned different logo/colour whatever so I can tell it apart from last years (haven't managed to kill them yet)

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yep im in aslong as its not black as it shows up way to much fluff and dog hair :ph34r: its hard wearing a t-shirt with fluff on it when you have ocd :lol: oh and would you be willing to send it to the Falklands islands :blink:

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Hmm, good point. I haven't cleared this with Jez so perhaps we can have a nod before this goes anywhere? I don't want to have the Welding Stig set on me...

I think this is a good plan :)

Yellow is the perfect way to make you look very ill very quickly - oh, and would be bad at LR shows with hangovers! :lol:

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Yellow is the perfect way to make you look very ill very quickly

Hides the vomit though...

Look at this thread you bunch of tarts! I think you're all in the wrong forum!

Anyway you're missing the point. It needs this on the back, in colour:



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Yellow is the perfect way to make you look very ill very quickly - oh, and would be bad at LR shows with hangovers! :lol:

HOFS Yellow writing????

On a 'garland esque' PINK background??? :unsure:

Ok bad taste, :lol: but whatever the colours are, i think the basic logo/ design is cool, just needs to be the 2008 version.... they could become a collectors set.............. a Tshirt version of NATWEST piggies??? :ph34r:

Perhaps i should leave the creativity to others!! :lol:

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I'm in. Last years are superb and by far my favourite "cotton" garment for working / mooching about in ;)

So, I'm up for a few. Maybe a bit remote to help with the logistics but am happy to help in any other way I can.

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1). Check with Jez and co - if they don't like it then they can keep the money and shut up.

2). Do what Cap'n Pugwash did last year, ignore everyones suggestions and simply produce a T-shirt. If some nice bloke like Simon R comes along and throws some money at it then thank him and shut up.

Last years logo worked well, change the colour to whatever is cheap but lasts well, any doesn't like it, hard luck, if you don't buy one then you aren't supporting HOFS so you smell and we don't like you anymore and you can't come round to play.

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