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Well I've done 2500 miles across Europe so far and the Td5 is singing. Had to lock up the brakes on the way to the ferry while still in Ireland and the brake warning light came on. Great in the sense that I got the wiring for the light right but not good when you're on the way to Europe :lol: Fixed it in a few minutes in a service station - seems I knocked a brake union lose while I had the caliper off the hub when doing the swivels... I've yet to bleed it but brought the kit with me cause it was one of the jobs I didn't get to do before departure.

Other then that the whole truck hasn't lost a single drop of any fluid. As a specialist said when I called in to pay an outstanding debt on they way - it obviously isn't a Land Rover, it's not leaking :rolleyes:

Done some minor offroading too in a dry riverbed in the valley below the family home in the mountains. Thought I might post a few pics for yis to scoff at, what with my nigh on standard suspension et al. I may be rectifying the situation soon though as I've found an old (very old) Mog I'm gonna try get my hands on. (any Mog knowledge, advice, things to look out for appreciated - the only thing I can say to get anywhere near identifying the model is that it's one of the ones thats roundy :lol: )






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Yeah, luckily I have a lot of hair, I´m hairy :lol:

been doing my homework and fairly sure the Mog is a 406. No idea what engine is in there, could be anything by now, there´s no bonnet on it but I still haven´t had the balls to approach anyone. See here they´re cute, if I pull up in the Merc we have here then even though this thing is out of use and screwed, they´ll want money for it, hell even in enquiring I´m being too interested if you get me. What do you call the double cab mogs of the ´70´s? I´ve seen them in my research and I want one, then I wanna go smash up a Hummer :D Are they called Dokas? saw that word a few times...

Aanyhoo, bled the brakes on the Rangey today, I nearly went off a cliff yesterday and into the sea, I mean that I had a hairy moment. I haven´t tested here yet but am wondering whether it´s the higher rate springs on the front or the brakes being all full of air or what - she´s a handfull in the wet either way. In the dry she corners much flatter then she used to, so yeah probably the brakes.

Will be heading on my first surfari in the next few days so I´ll post up more shots as they happen...

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This is a rare comment coming from me, but I wouldn't put portals on that - it's just too straight, and too many 2-doors have been cut up already.

Looking great though, good work, and the comment about the 1970's PR photos is bang on :lol:

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It's not as straight as it looks :lol: but then I'd have nothing more to do if it was... and I suppose the wobbly body panels are what you'd call characterful. No rust though which is why I bought her after 2 years of looking. Thanks for the admiring glances though ;)

RE the Mog, I didn't wanna break it, wanted to put it back together and leave it here in Greece where we have two houses in two seperate and very mountainous places.

Been doing some more modding on the Big Show (the RRC) over the last few days, check it out -

The compass is for my surfing, I'm on surfari and I need to be able to chart the beaches as I find them - my lock never kept good time so out it went. The spot lamp was an idea I had to fill the hole left by an aerial that was nastily let into the roof by a previous owner and as it turned out I was able to fill the hole in the dash left when I removed the old choke pull - with the switch for the lamp. It looks small and I've no odea what the wattage is but it really projects, the up and down movement is stiff but I'd say thats down to the seals in the shaft. It swings round quickly and nicely. I've already given some fishermen in a boat a bit of a scare - I wonder what they were up to :lol:





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