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LRO this month, What to give a mate on his 21st!!


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A few friends and i decided what a nice 21st present it would be to wrap a mates landy in silage wrap!!!

made lro this month it seems!!!

he though when he saw it that his parents had been and brought him a new land rover and wrapped it up!!! muppet"!!!



rather a hefty lump to throw over a landy so of course it was gently placed!!! me on top!!




Wouldn't have been right to then not get him!!!



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:rofl: your so cruel, but very funny, how long to wrap the 90 by hand ?

well, when in a rush with a party going on inside about 5 minutes!!! there was about 5 of us passing the wrap though, at one point, two on the roof and three on the floor, Oh and the camera man!!!

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When I was in Uni we certainly didn't clingfilm a mate's Corsa and spray paint graffiti on it so it looked like his car had been horribly vandalised.

I say "didn't" because I'd imagine it's quite hard to determine by streetlight if you've adequately covered the whole car with a transparent film, and that any bare areas would take the paint like sh*t to a blanket.

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