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Rights of Way Signage


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Driving the other day near Haslemere when I saw a sign which read Right of Way.

Now I think its a bridleway, but may also be a white road.

All other routes locally are marked as Footpath, Bridleway, Restricted Byway so what is its status.

Any thoughts.

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You would have to check the Definitive Map held by the local council. Speak to their rights of way officer. I know Wiltshire are fairly good at marking the RoW on the ground. It seemed as if overnight they put out all the Restricted Byway signs when it came into force

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I've got that wrong before....

see this document..


it says that they often call restricted byways "rights of way" so it fits on the sign. Don't expect them to change it - they like their fingerposts.

I got caught out on this one once. By 1:50k map showed it as a byway. Never come across this sign before. Later checked my 1:25k map and it showed the first half of the lane was an RB. Clearly should have done my research before hand, and goes to show that you can't rely 100% of OS maps and the definitive maps are just that - definitive!

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it says that they often call restricted byways "rights of way" so it fits on the sign. Don't expect them to change it - they like their fingerposts.

'Right of way' is a generic term, a footpath is even a right of way, but you can't drive a vehicle down it.... but yes you are quite right, you can NEVER be sure from a map... or even sign posts.

Somerset has literally 6 'BOAT's, some are just peoples driveways... so I tend to go a bit further afield, around Bath, in 'BANES', every BOAT I have found has had either a 'Byway' sign or a white circle with a red arrow and 'Byway open to all traffic' written on it, they are not big, about the same size as the footpath signs, but are reassuring that if you did get stopped by PC Plod you'd be in the right..... not withstanding Temporary Restriction Orders (TROs) of course! Wiltshire is much the same, but have not yet to go there for a good day out, just drove through spotting 'Byway' signs every few hundred metres at some points :D

The problem is it is all so damned complicated they have people scared of where they can drive and not, but I suppose that is the current political climate we live in :(

So... the 'Definitive Map' or an online version of it if your council provides one, an OS map, GPS and friendly local police is all you need, just so you can drive down a muddy scratchy lane and get stared at by strangers :P

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Both Surrey and Hampshire CC have online RoW maps.........

Unfortunately when a CC does this they also state that they are for guideline use only and to refer to the definitive map. So you can only view them as an updated OS map at best.



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Both Surrey and Hampshire CC have online RoW maps.........

Yeah you need to go to the hampshire definative map

You need to go to the winchester office as this is where the map is held. To save you hunting around their offices. It is by the north gate (bargate thing in winchester). as you look at it from the high street the office is on the right on the corner. You need to take a map of the area you want with you to copy over the lanes as you will never make a note of them otherwise :rolleyes:

That should help you as they change alot in hampshire and it is nice to know, for sure you are ok to be on a track

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