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  • 2 months later...

Update - have now put 8oz of D4x4 Counteract beads in each front wheel. Contrary to what you might think looking at them, they do not fit through the valve stem (no idea why as they look as if they should do, but they don't!) - I know this having made a nice little adaptor to screw on the valve stem with a length of plastic pipe and a funnel to tip them into, only to find it didn't work :angry:

First impressions were that there was little difference and there was lots of dark muttering, but after driving for a while (5-10 miles) the shake reduced quite a lot so there is now nothing worth worrying about under 50mph, but there is still a terrible shake at about 55, or rather there would be if the main road speed limit here wasn't 40mph :ph34r:

So they are not the perfect solution but definitely worth it where there is a problem as they have made mine noticeably better. Bear in mind there is nearly 1/2 a kilo of lead on each front rim already so these tyres were WAY out of balance!

I did wonder if putting the other two bags in the fronts to double the weight of beads in each wheel would make it better - can you have too many of these things in a wheel? :unsure: - or do the excess ones just spread themselves evenly around the inside once the wheel is balanced?

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Steve, did you just add the beads or also remove the lead?

Just added the beads, why? :unsure:

I figured that the wheels were less wobbly with the lead on than without, so there would be less work for the beads to do, but now you have asked, my head is going round in circles about whether you should in fact put them in a completely unbalanced wheel for them to work properly :wacko:

What's the verdict?

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I would think it doesn't matter whether they have weights are on or not. AS long as they are all intact.

What I do know is that the beads can only go so far. I have the beads in my wolf wheels with BFG 255/85 16's and all are unbalanced. Wolf's seem to have a reputation as hard to balance, and I found that when I first fitted them with the Counteract beads I still had some shake. I moved the front tyres to the rear and rears to the front and the shake is a lot less now and acceptable. So if the wheel is really out of balance the beads can not cure it.

In my opinion, if you want a well balanced wheel, don't buy the beads. If like me you have local places that either refuse to balance 'large' mud terrains or if they do, the weights start flying off after less than a mile of driving, then the beads provide an acceptable solution.



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I would have thought you'd really want to remove the lead.....

Lead weights get added to the rims (inside or outside), not the centreline of the tyre where most mass is (roughly). The beads must work on or near the CL due to centrfugal forces so is it possible that they have more to deal with in that they counteract some of the lead and the assembly imbalance you need to get rid of.

By definition, the wheels with lead are not balanced or you wouldn't be adding the beads - So... some of the beads are having to counter offset (wrong) lead rather than offset wheel/tyre.

I'm actually quite tempted to lob some in the P38 front wheels to see if they help with my steering as it is still a bit "sensitive" (Although I think I may be encountering the same phenomonen as SteveG as the tyres are part worn, I just can't afford to junk tyres when they get to 5mm tread!)

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I've fitted my 37" Super Swampers on home made beadlocks with 250g per tyre of BBs. I bought them from a game fair for £10 for 2kg. The results are:

Noticable wheel wobble at 40mph + before balancing has been removed completely. I can now cruise at 70mph with no wobble.

The effect of the weight being at a longer lever (further from the centre of the wheel) is that it has more effect on balancing, so when the wheels are full of mud, which is a major problem with the beadlocks, the BBs move in the tyre to compensate. I can now drive home from events with the wheels full of mud at 50+ mph without problems of wobble.

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  • 1 month later...

So seems to be just the counteract ones from D4X4 or the dynabeads from Scorpion?

You think there would be more people out there that do them, I really need some asap as above 45-50mph its horrendous to drive, the only thing is I would prefer the dynabeads as they are easier to fit.

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