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Whato folks.

Rather typically what I thought was a little play in the front wheelbearings seems to be in my balls so I am looking to refurb my front axle.

I was going to just get a Swivel 'kit' when I spotted these - correction balls - These seem to have slipped under my radar up to now, does anyone have any experience of them as it seems a simple and cheap solution to the slightly wandery steering I have at motorway speeds...

Will :)

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They've been talked about before Will and IIRC nobody slagged them off.

On the face of it they look like a good solution, although last time they came up I am sure the price was each.... :unsure::blink::o

The price is for a pair = Castor Correction Swivel Balls - Pair - FTC5105 type

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Is there not a possibilty that it could just be the swivel bearings shot? Bit cheaper to replace than swivels!


The balls aren't bad, just some really minor pitting, but I am in the mood for sorting things out at the moment so thought if I am pulling it to bits I may as well save the effort of having to do it again soonish. The chance of sorting the vague steering and UJ wear out at the same time was an added attraction as I am looking at doing a lot more motorway miles in the 110 over the next year.

Will :)

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We have made the castor adjustements to the swivel balls ourselves, before Paddock offered them. Rovertym Engineering and an Aussie firm have been offering them for some time.

The ones from Paddock bother me because it is nowhere mentioned how much offset they have. This is essential information to determine if they will work as expected.

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One other thought, Ive seen Autocraft4x4 doing TD5 axles on ebay @ a good price & may be worth thinking about. Td5 swivels are teflon coated(well at least mine are)admittedly their not caster corrected but makes for a very easy job just swapping out an axle rather than an axle rebuild.


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I've got castor corrected swivels. They work for me. The steering self centers and the front prop is fine.

I have a 2" lift with 35" simex.

They were bought from Tomcat. But I think that they have stopped doing them and now rotate the flange on the end of the axle instead.

If I have steering problems I would go back down this route - you cab swop an axle casing if it bends etc. If you mess with the axle casing you have to redo it. The other potential issue is that you break/damage the swivel - not as likely as bending an axle casing in my book.


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  • 2 weeks later...
assuming paddocks deliver they are going in the week after next?

Could you let us know how you get on with these?

Maybe in the market for a pair myself -- need to do something about a wobble of death at 40 to 45mph :blink: that developed somewhere in the front over the weekend.

It's been there at a low level for a while and various things haven't fixed it so the main suspect is now swivel preload. If I need to replace the swivels (which TBH looks unlikely from what I could see during a quick poke about last night) I would probably give the Paddocks castor corrected swivel balls a go -- assuming they're not complete chocolate that is :unsure:

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Could you let us know how you get on with these?

Maybe in the market for a pair myself -- need to do something about a wobble of death at 40 to 45mph :blink: that developed somewhere in the front over the weekend.

It's been there at a low level for a while and various things haven't fixed it so the main suspect is now swivel preload. If I need to replace the swivels (which TBH looks unlikely from what I could see during a quick poke about last night) I would probably give the Paddocks castor corrected swivel balls a go -- assuming they're not complete chocolate that is :unsure:

Guess what?

I got a phonecall to say that even though they took my order over the phone, the dont have any until probably next week,

order cancelled, I knew Paddocks were a mistake.

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