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The 4x4Adventures Winch Challenge 23rd Aug aftermath

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Hi all,

What a superb event,

A number of entrants I knew as forumers said Hi, ....and the rest smiled and took the P**s out of each other in a friendly good spirited way,

the organization seemed superb, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and smiles everywhere.

I was out in the "OutBack" - .....Erm AFTER I winched myself IN there :blink:

And stayed put for the day until cleared up at 4.00PM and roamed the sight - found Anton from OEC , and picked him up along with the tape and punches as we and other stripped the site clean

Took over 190 Pictures with a 10 Megapixel Nikon SLR,

having downloaded a huge volume of disc space I have chosen for whatever reaosn my fav 24 pics :

post-22-1219517408_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517417_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517427_thumb.jpgpost-22-1219517436_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517447_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517457_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517475_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517484_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517494_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517503_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517524_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517543_thumb.jpgpost-22-1219517558_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517567_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517591_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517599_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517608_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517617_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517628_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517641_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517653_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517664_thumb.jpg post-22-1219517675_thumb.jpg

Lots of Mechanical Breakages, prob the dry state of the site didn't help, Really enjoyed the day, if you have thought about entering one and haven't then do :)



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Some good pics there Nige , Twas good to meet you at last .

What a brilliant site Slindon realy is , Shame we only got to drive it for about 50 mins , Just got our 9th punch and all hell broke loose ,So back on the trailer we went :(

But we both had a very good weekend and enjoyed the good comerarderie between all competetors which is always the spirit with James` events ,

Thanks to James ,Anton and Simon for organising and a big thanks to the marshalls .

Hopefully we can keep it toghether for the 2 Dayer . :lol:


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What a fantastic event with a big shock for coming 1st it just shows that loosing my voice at 11.am was worth it and all hard work due to trying to run 3 winches when im only used to 1 paid off

but it was nice to meet up with a few new faces look forward to the next 1 if they will have us back


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Nige - excellent pics there, any chance of sending them across please about 5meg size each?

Well event is done and dusted, i have done some screen grabs of the scores below.

A massive thank you to Simon at X-Eng and Anton from OEC for sponsoring the event and providing merchandise and prizes.

Many thanks also to Chris, Steve, Guy, Nick, Nige, Anton, Lee, Simon, Liz, Mark, Sam Kevin, Paul, Martin for help with scrutineering the Special Stage and marshalling the taped sections plus helping to clear the site late last night.

Chris thank you for meeting up on Thursday to show me around as well, i think the competitors were pleased this happened as we wouldnt have wanted to have missed out any big sections!!!

an unfortunate event for some with alot of breakages in the modified class (all stds and std + 1s ran for the day) with both Team OEC and Team Gigglepin dropping out quite early on with mechanical issues, plus White90 having some issues very early on in the day again resulting in early retirement, which considering the umber thin and energetic Les Brock as your new codriver was a shame as there was great potential was there.

Well done to Mark, Shaun and Lewis for winning their respective class, but more importantly well done to all of those who continued to battle on through the day to make it to the finish. To finish first, first you have to finish.

Special mention goes to Ben Burgess who after catching some tape on Punch 35 (Radfords endo punch!) despite there being no one their to witness it came back to get his card replaced, not thats integrity and competing in the true spirit of the event.

You guys made it a great event the commitment and enthusiasm of competitors and marshalls alike. Keep up the excellent spirit and i hope you all enjoyed the day out!

I will post up championship points in due course plus email out the spreadsheets and results to all competitors on early next week with details for the 2 dayer as well.

My next event will be the two dayer at Wellington over the period 24-26 Oct 08 with on site camping available from Fri night.








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er.........James :ph34r:

BEFORE I hit the send button, that means I'd be sending you around 120MB of e-mails ?

Do you want ALL of them or some of them - some would make better e-mail possibilities ?

Can e-mail, but a DVD special delivery to you may be better ?

If you wnat the DVD PM Me your address, or address to send, I'll go to posties tuesday am and do it special delivery ??

Nige :blink:

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What a fantastic event with a big shock for coming 1st it just shows that loosing my voice at 11.am was worth it and all hard work due to trying to run 3 winches when im only used to 1 paid off

but it was nice to meet up with a few new faces look forward to the next 1 if they will have us back



Would you like to buy that "Special Magic Shackle" I lent you ? :rofl:


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Would you like to buy that "Special Magic Shackle" I lent you ? :rofl:


come to mention it perhaps it was just that lucky shackle that we didnt even use but if we didnt have it we would have needed 1

but thanks for the warm welcome during the weekend


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What a day.

Back has been playing up lately so Dawn was was giving my ears some grief about going and I gave in which was the sensible thing to do but really frustrating when I saw Bert, dan, Ian and Tom set off on friday.

We had a steady drive down saturday morning in the range rover to find Ciderman and Nick leaving at 1pm, when we got into site team gigglepin had broke theirs, Ian had blown a diff and Bert and Dan could only go backwards and not forwards and various other vehicles with their mouths open.

Had a little walk around, loaded up the casualties and left around 3pm, got back about 10.30. Shredded a rear on the lorry on the A34 just south of Oxford and the spare was in the yard in Wolves, ouch! not good planning.

£100 call out and £160 for a tyre, £100 diesel for the range rover and about the same for the lorry.

Could get a week in Teneriffe for that, full board....................but would we do it again, every time, just take a spare wheel, spare diff and spare everything elese in future.

The Wolves won and best of all Baggies lost again so all in all a good day really.

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A good day out for us despite Ian managing to headbutt the winch hook on our 1st punch and making a small hole in his forehead which bled like a stuck pig (big thanks to the marshals and Liz for putting him back together!)...one way of him getting over his hangover I suppose!

We also killed the electric fan driving into a pool of what appeared to be liquid concrete... the heater then did a fair job of being the only cooling the engine got for the rest of the day.

We finally got home at 9.40- a whole ten minutes before I had to leave for work! I didn't finish until 10 this morning as well as it all went horribly wrong...

A big thank you to all involved in setting up and running another excellent event- well done guys!

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A good day out for us despite Ian managing to headbutt the winch hook on our 1st punch and making a small hole in his forehead which bled like a stuck pig (big thanks to the marshals and Liz for putting him back together!)...one way of him getting over his hangover I suppose!

We also killed the electric fan driving into a pool of what appeared to be liquid concrete... the heater then did a fair job of being the only cooling the engine got for the rest of the day.

We finally got home at 9.40- a whole ten minutes before I had to leave for work! I didn't finish until 10 this morning as well as it all went horribly wrong...

A big thank you to all involved in setting up and running another excellent event- well done guys!

I'll second that a big thank you to Nick for being on hand to help Ian out with some butterfly stitches etc, thank you

Ian - you plonker!

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Here's some pics from me. I only got my camera out for the last hour, so by then I was lacking entrants to photo ;);)

all gathered..



Most entrants found the local marshals a tad distracting...


actually I found that a tad districating while I was cut and pasting from photobucket :rolleyes::rolleyes:

The spectators getting impatient..



Nige's 90 after winching into outback...



another walking wounded..


Oh and my 90 in the background that unlike Nige's drove into the and out of the outback several times ;););)



This pic gives an idea of some of the terrain..


you have to be careful in your choice of tree to winch off as this tree in the foreground shows..






this 90 trayback completing punch 13, the only one's to do so all day..


Not before breaking their rear winch line..



managing to fit another punch in with 10 mins to go..





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For those that couldnt see the screen shots:



1st Russell Lowton and Lewis Alderson 2493

2nd Sue Gawne and Kevin Moss 1183

3rd Simon Parsons and Ian Hawes 963

4th Dan Need and Ian Stokes 950

Std +1

1st Shaun Houghton and Stuart Guard 2213

2nd Paul Radford and Ben Evans 2133

3rd Ian Moulsdale and Tom Marrion 733


1st Mark Dyer and Jason Morgan 1157

2nd Shaun Harris and Steve Williams 1130

3rd Austin Jewitt and Scott Benwell 1062

4th Kris Murhphy and Bryony Passmore 871

5th John Piper and Wayne McNulty 725

6th Andy Smith Ian Mitchell 632

7th Team Gigglepin (Steve Gittins and Mark Morgan) 625

8th Simon Madgwick and Alex Hammond 581

9th Paul Hooper and Rich Green 458

10th Team X-Eng/Goodwinch (Nick Watts and Guy Radford) 410

11th Bert and Dan Smith 307

12th Ben Burgess and Ro Llonte 279

13th Team OEC (Jason Farr and Rich Sims) 269

14th Tony Cordell and Les Brocklehurst 179

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Managed to get a few pictures this time ,seeing as we had a lot of spare time :(:(


Standard +1 winners : Shaunus and Stu


Steve and Pikey


Nige with Mark and Jason Mod Winners


Pikey with his Anti-self soiling trousers on .


Shaunus and stu on the run


The best bit for us was the jolly by the fire the night before .

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I had a great day, felt sorry for Tony with a fraturing M6 bolt on the front winch so early on..we found most of the bits in the mud, all bar one wudruff key for the main shaft :(

Felt much better not lugging that extra weight round my waist :rolleyes:

Thanks to James, Anton and Si, and of course all the Marshalls ;)

With Tony selling up...its back to watching again :lol:

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