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Video editing


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Does anybody know of a decent video editor/converter, preferably free :)

Main requirement is to be able to convert stupid Olympus .mov files (Quicktime format) into something sensible like .wmv or .mpg which anything apart from QT can read :angry:

I had a look on Google but most of the ones I have seen seem to be trial versions that expire and also are silly sized downloads for dialup :angry:

Ta :)

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If your using Windows XP SP2, then you have MovieMaker already installed. X-llent FREE program, that converts your QT movies to avi. ( I have the same problem with my KM camera)



I have SP2 on the laptop - I shall investigate!

Ta :)

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Ah, it is also on SP1 in the start menu - never even thought of Windoze having something useful built in :unsure:

Ta - I'll have a play later :D

cleaning 10 days worth of dust from Christmas holiday out of the 90 at the moment :blink:

Ever seen brown Techno cloth trim? :rolleyes:

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Hmmm I just found that out too

Back to Square One :(

That's a pity in all other respects Windows Movie is really great - does all a decent editor does (Effects, titles etc etc) and it is free :lol::lol: .

I ditched the program that came with my Dell (can't even remember what they called it now) in favour of MM.

though obviously no good if it doesn't do what you want.

When you say it doesn't like *.mov files what exactly do you mean???

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Main requirement is to be able to convert stupid Olympus .mov files (Quicktime format) into something sensible like .wmv or .mpg which anything apart from QT can read :angry:

Umm...wmv (Windows Media Video) is just as bad...you can't play them in anything much but windows media player. Okay, more people have Windows than Macs/Linux/whatever, but they're still limited. You can get windows media players for Mac, but it's a very old version that Microsoft have now discontinued development of, so arguably mov is more portable than wmv is (Apple at least provide an up-to-date player for Windows).

If you want pretty much any computer to be able to play it out of the box you're stuck with mpg - if you want decent compression and quality divx or xvid are supported on all platforms but I think require all of them to install additional software. The latter is supposed to be the better of the two, but less widely supported.

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