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Sankey tankers


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Posting this here rather than in Military as there is more traffic...

Has anybody seen/bought one the Sankey trailer tankers, 220gal fuel tank on a trailer chassis?

May be a solution to a problem depending on cost, does anybody know what sort of prices they run at ex-mil? They appear on quite a few websites but I don't know whether they go for hundreds or thousands?? The ones in the photos look nice and shiny but also wondered what sort of condition this ex mil stuff is usually in? (I know what the cast stuff here looks like and I wouldn't have most of it if you gave it to me!!!!)

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I was rather taken by the double generator trailers for my apocalypse / zombie outbreak plans (A life of movie watching has done strange things to me so don't ask ;)) and depending on if you get an ex-service one not one of the unused reserve equipment jobbies I suppose it is always going to be a gamble?

as for 220 gallons pah! I think you need to super size that :D

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Posting this here rather than in Military as there is more traffic...

Has anybody seen/bought one the Sankey trailer tankers, 220gal fuel tank on a trailer chassis?

May be a solution to a problem depending on cost, does anybody know what sort of prices they run at ex-mil? They appear on quite a few websites but I don't know whether they go for hundreds or thousands?? The ones in the photos look nice and shiny but also wondered what sort of condition this ex mil stuff is usually in? (I know what the cast stuff here looks like and I wouldn't have most of it if you gave it to me!!!!)

i know im probably being picky but are these a bunded trailer we use fuel trailers at work to fuel plant etc and these are all bunded just wondered if the military versions are chris

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I don't think they are but not 100% sure about that.

I suspect that in this part of the world it doesn't matter ;) but anyway is it possible that road tankers under a certain size don't have to be bunded?

IIRC a fixed fuel tank only has to be bunded over a certain size, hence the availability of domestic single skin heating oil tanks of 1000L or so, so maybe the same is true of mobile ones. Or maybe the Army just don't care because they have guns :)

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Im sort of interested in this too as a mate of mine asked me if there was anything like this available. I cant find any on the Witham site........


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means that any spillage/leakage is contained within the trailer or tank, easy way is to have a twin wall tank or a way to hold any spills away for the ground surface.

doesn't apply to water tankers/bowsers type trailers

Ralph, I think that was meant in the same way as I might say "brakes? :ph34r:" when referring to my Sankey :lol:

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many thanks for that. Have you any idea of their cost?


Nope - hence the question in the first post :)

I have been thinking about it and one "slight issue" from my point of view is that the freight would cost about £1000 to get one here based on the measurements given... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are three of these coming up for auction at the end of the month.


It is currently under the future auctions so the individual lots are not listed yet.

It is part of the BAE Systems Auction. See the auction flyer.

I don’t think this auction is very well known and items seem to go quite cheap.

Also on there of note are three Defenders, a MOG 406 with snow plough and gritter and a hydraulic pipe bender amongst a host of other nice engineering bits.


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