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Injection system overhaul


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My project Landy is going well (for a change)... I've stripped and rebuilt the LT230, and have just taken delivery of an exchange LT77 from Ashcrofts, so that's the trans taken care of. I've now pulled the engine out of the donor vehicle and I'm working my way through it. As I'm not a diesel specialist, I was thinking that it would make sense to send the entire injection system off for an overhaul - does anyone here have any recommendations as to who I should go to for this? Somewhere in the SW would be good, however, I'm more interested in quality of workmanship than locality! :)

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Last time my injection pump failed I took it to Helston Diesel near the boating lake, did a great job & cost around 400quid. reckon there must be a Bosch injection place closer to you though.

Western - many thanks for taking the time to reply - there are a couple of Bosch agents within fifty miles or so of here, but I'd rather go to someone with a known reputation than simply because they've got the right sign hanging outside! It's a shame Helston is such a long way...

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Give Chris or Darren a ring , They optimise the pump by fitting a modified boost control , Thats all Im allowed to say on here :ph34r:

Bush doctor on here had his done

God I love the internet! :D Many thanks for all your constructive comments chaps - everything you say has been noted! :)

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