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Forum Peaks trip - the aftermath

Pete Attryde

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Looks like we are the last ones home - and it's too dark now to wash the truck :blink: (that and the hail stones are that large they are setting the alarm off - it can wait!)

Firstly I'd like to say a big thanks to whoever did/didn't organise the weekend. From our side everything ran smoothly. Many thanks to John for a varied trip - great views and a few challenges thrown in! Super stuff :D Also thanks to Reddy for opening and closing all of the gates whilst maintaining a smile. Buy that man some wellies ;)

John has covered most of our groups events but here are a few of our highlights.

Despite most of the groups deciding to rough it in the Quality Inn, we decided that we would accept the kind hospitality of Johns parents and pitched our tent accordingly. It looked very scenic covered in ice and snow in the morning and we were toasty warm :P John booked a table for us at the Knockerdown Inn and the food was great - just what we needed after a cold day on the hills - as was the port infront of the fire later :) .

Stanage Edge was brilliant and left us grinning all afternoon. I've always said that the spotter is the one in control, the drivers just observing really so the damage to the front bumper when John ran into .. well, Derbyshire, that wasn't my fault at all. :rolleyes:

Both days were a good mix of chat, driving, scenery and banter. Well paced and well worth the drive down from "oop-north".

The Sunday was lovely, the mist and frost on the hills with some gentle lanes made for more great views and we stopped to watch some buzzards out for breakfast. A quick pint in Bakewell and we were ready for the off. But John and Sticky tempted us with "just one more lane (but not the last one...) before hitting the motorway. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos when Sticky gets them posted, but lets just say my heart was in my mouth throughout! Stanage was exciting, this one was, well, you could say a bit tight! I let Sticky go first just so I could judge how much room there actually was - my excuse been that the Disco is a bit larger than the 90, so if it gets stuck I definiately would :unsure: I'll admit that I still wasn't 100% sure when I got behind the wheel, and neither was Stephanie so she opted to walk this one! Anyway, all went well and it really finished the weekend off on a buzz!!

I think it was great to see a standard D2 on road tyres managing to follow the 90's and Mikes 110 wherever they went. We might have needed a different line and a slower pace but we got there B)

The only stutter was when the dashboard lit up on a slippery descent - I think it thought it was Christmas. First the ABS, then the TC, then the ride height, then all of the others. No worries though, at least I still had low box and I shouldn't need to stop before the bottom :huh:

John likened it to Windows "just turn it off and on again and it'll be alright". And it was :rolleyes:

We did 520 miles of driving in total, getting 25mpg (and that was with the heaters at a comfortable 24'C :P ). Great stuff, thanks again, and here are some pics from the Saturday (the battery died by Sunday - something to do with the cold...)






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Gaah! I want to knoow what happened when he put his wheel "literally there - not there!" ..

That was really exciting :)

Glad you enjoyed it, it was pretty exciting from where I was sitting too :D

The rest was cleared without any drama I'm glad to say. If you notice in the video, the front bumper got crunched was because the pile of rocks under the front left collapsed forward when I stopped on them :rolleyes: I don't think a crack to the underside of the front bumper was too bad considering what we put the truck through that weekend... B)

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Thanks to all for a top weekend:-


Individuals - you know who you are and what you did for all the groups!

Good non grumpy mapery,gatery,spotting,leading...

All - for just being there!!!

Good time had - no damage, got a few good pics and video, soon as i download i will post...

M+S - caught your LHR mid air on "the last but one lane" :)

Puggy - Get that split pin replaced!!!!



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I think the only bit that I match is the non grumpy bit. As always, life and soul :lol: . Have you ever seen me grumpy. It's all a myth perpetuated by little people :P:P

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TJ 101 that bottom picture looks like it could be Manifold Valley

No idea Nathan, as Walfy had hold of the laptop, but could well have been, very scenic lane, and looked like its had very little use,

But best not to mention any other location ID :ph34r:

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No idea Nathan, as Walfy had hold of the laptop, but could well have been, very scenic lane, and looked like its had very little use,

But best not to mention any other location ID :ph34r:

Just because I had the laptop, doesn't mean I knew where we were or where we were going :o:o

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Anyone got details of the lanes, as we´re coming over in April.

We tracked them on or Garmin GPS. I haven't loaded them to the computer yet,and have no idea how I could share them with you. I'll read the manual and get around to it unless someone else can help you sooner!

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We tracked them on or Garmin GPS. I haven't loaded them to the computer yet,and have no idea how I could share them with you. I'll read the manual and get around to it unless someone else can help you sooner!

Would you share that with me too please? :D

I'd love to trace your steps sometime!

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