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Heated screen washer nozzles


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As a 38A specific part, no I don't think they are available.

With a combination of a heated screen, a 50/50 screenwash / water mix, and the under-bonnet insulation cut away (as standard) round the nozzles (which allows engine heat to warm the nozzle area) I don't really see the need.

Put another way, I don't recall a situation where frozen nozzles have been a problem in the last few UK winters, in this part of the UK.

I seem to recall that Classics had heated nozzles, but I don't think they had heated screens.

I suspect the difference is my use of the 50/50 mix.

Good Luck.

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Classics certainly had heated screens too. See I new they were superior to the P38!!! :P :P

I am genuinely surprised that heated washers are not available on P38's as you certainly need them in North America, which was the main target market for the P38 when it was launched (I think :blink: )

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Classics from about F reg onwards had heated nozzles as standard. Classic SE's had heated screens as standard.

No heated nozzles listed on EPC as fitting a P38.


I always try to be a bit cautious when commenting on the specs of Classics, as all I know about them is what I've picked up off the internet, and you know how good that is as a source of reliable information :-)

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There are a couple of RRc's in the local scrappies and I am gonna take the jets off them for the disco - what sort of resistance reading should I be looking at getting from them if they are OK - I have already got some off a ford focus but they aren't heating up and have vastly different figures for resistance - one at 1.5 KOhm and one at 65 Ohm.....

Sorry for the high-jack, its still fairly relevant though now isnt it! :-)

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Classics certainly had heated screens too. See I knew they were superior to the P38!!! :P :P

I am genuinely surprised that heated washers are not available on P38's as you certainly need them in North America, which was the main target market for the P38 when it was launched (I think :blink: )

Hmm, I won't argue that the North American market will have had high consideration during the design stage.

But on the other hand, for several years I've been reading a lot of comments on the 38A Rangerovers.net Forum from North American owners. Complaints about the lack of heated nozzles are conspicuous by their absence.

As I tried to imply, if you have fluid of the appropriate strength, this takes care of the temperatures experienced while standing.

Additional wind chill is taken care of by the V8 heater under the bonnet, covered by an insulated blanket, that channels the heat to the space around the nozzles.

Either that or they, and the Nordic countries, have coping strategies that seem so obvious to them that they don't need to comment.

Of course, I could look all innocent, and postulate 'Why would you want the extra complexity of heated nozzles?'.

As with many items, Air Suspension being the most notable, LR used the last years of the Classic as a test bed for ideas to be implemented on the 38A. It seems heated nozzles were considered un-necessary.

I hope no-one is taking this too seriously!


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If the nozzles on a P38 are fitted on the bonnet then they will be getting heat from the engine so heated nozzles are not necessary.

Lets keep this thread going some more as its too dam cold again to go out in the garage like we should be on a Friday Nite :P

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The reason I started the thread is that at minus 11 up in Scotland I drove for about 90 minutes and still had frozen washers at the end of it. My washer mix is not as strong as 50/50 but it was only the nozzles that were frozen, I acyually disconnected one of the nozzle pipes to get some water out that I could throw on the screen to wash it with, the pipe was not frozen hence my thoughts towards heated nozzles. I had them on my classic along with the heated windscreen and they worked well, didn't live in Scotland then though so not quite as cold. The Scandinavian countries must get round the problem some how or is it cold enough there that you don't get the spray off the roads to make your screen dirty.

As requested I am keeping the thread going.

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Are your nozzles fitted to the bonnet? If they are then might be worth re-routing/extending the pipes to expose them to heat from the engine - will have the same effect as heated nozzles.

My car has heated 'nozzles' unfortunately the fluid in the pipework still freezes as it doesn't get any heat from the engine due to the way it is plumbed in and also its a diesel engine (less heat) so heated nozzles can only do so much on their own. I always use screen wash at the recommended ratio but if its sub-zero the fluid still freezes in the pipes.

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There are a couple of RRc's in the local scrappies and I am gonna take the jets off them for the disco - what sort of resistance reading should I be looking at getting from them if they are OK - I have already got some off a ford focus but they aren't heating up and have vastly different figures for resistance - one at 1.5 KOhm and one at 65 Ohm.....

You can work out a reasonable value range from how much power you can get out:

V = I/R


I = V/R


P = V*I


P = I^2*R

12v over 1 Ohm would give 12A current so 144W of power (somewhat excessive to warm up a nozzle!)

12v over 68 Ohms would give 2.1 Watts, which is probably a reasonable amount - remember it's not going for volcanic heat, just enough to defrost the nozzle.

12v over 1.5K Ohms would give 96mW, which isn't going to cut it and would indicate a faulty part.

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