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Ryanair check-in in Stanstead:

"Did you close your baggage yourself?"

"Of course!"

"Put it here please"

(big rucksack down on rollers and it disappears behind the black curtain)

"Take it back and bring it over there Sir"



"Behind you,over there where the glass is"


"Do you see the yellow sign?Over there"

Look and read "OVERSIZE BAGGAGE"

"Morning Sir,please put it down here"


(goes into the X-rays machine)


1st officer:"What's this?"

(calls the 2nd officer)

2nd officer:"Mmh,they look like exausts"

"Sir,is there anything metallic in your luggage which may ping the metal detector?"

"Of course"

"So could you explain what are those things?"

"Those are Land Rover rear trailing arms Sir,they keep the beam axle in place"

(Jez's cranked arms)

Officers smile and thumbs up


"Very good Sir,you can go,thank you"

"Everything ok then?"




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Had a similar problem when a shock absober in my luggage showed up on the xray machine. Except that was at Dubai airport, security chap had a big gun and didn't understand the english words "shock absober" or "damper" and I didn't know what the arabic for one was (in fact I didn't and don't know any arabic) :rolleyes:

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Must have been my endless supply of bubblewrap and tape that put them off from opening ir!!

Glad you enjoyed yourself, dont use all the teabags up you will need them for when we arrive on the doorstep in July!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Proper tea is one thing I miss when in Europe. 'Liptons London Tea' tastes of sick!

"Why do Marxists drink lemon tea?

Because proper tea is theft!"


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I go to Dublin quite regulary with work...

Everytime, ~I go out of the country with my Vernier calipers, but when its time to come home, the Irish check in spot them and make dispose of them! East Midlands airport havnt spotted them yet.

(they can go in cargo, but I usally only have hand luggage)

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I go to Dublin quite regulary with work...

Everytime, ~I go out of the country with my Vernier calipers, but when its time to come home, the Irish check in spot them and make dispose of them! East Midlands airport havnt spotted them yet.

(they can go in cargo, but I usally only have hand luggage)

Dublin Airport make you take your belt off and your shoes off, so make sure you have no emmental socks on.


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I sent some gas shocks to japan once, airmail. I held them compressed with cableties and that evening had the awful vision of them expanding in the depressurised hold, snapping the cableties and bringing the plane down :o I bet they looked good on the X- Rays

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I think I can beat you all. Went to California for a few months 2 years ago, to fly. Had a friend (female) with me, so we/she decided to go shopping in Sears for a few souvenirs. She gets the usual: perfume etc.

Well they have a great hardware section in Sears, and this big chain saw just had to be mine. Checking in at Long Beach airport for the flight home, walking around the check-in area with a chain saw under my arm. Cause a stir? Oh yes siree! Do you have anything sharp sir? Only my wit, old chap, only my wit...

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