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Transfer Box Jumps out of 2wd


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Hi there,

I am new to this forum so please forgive me if I do any of this wrong. Thanks...

Basicly, my problem is that when I drive in 2wd my Discovery 1 1993 Transfer box will randomly jump out of the 2wd high position. This has been happening more often over the past 48 hours...a total of 4 times in 2 days.

This is worrying me quite a lot because when it jumps out the wheels all start to jump and the Landy shakes, grinds and jumps to a stop (locking the wheels in the process).

The reason I have to drive in 2wd at the moment is that I think the back diff does not match the front diff because when I put it in 4wd the car jumps along and bangs.

By the way although it is a disco 1 engine, gearbox and transfer box...it is fitted to a series 3 Land Rover.

Please help.........Thank you.

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Sorry I am confused.

You have a Discovery engine, gearbox and transfer box, and yet it has 2WD? No Discovery transfer box I've ever seen had 2WD - are you sure it isn't the old S3 transmission?

Mismatched diffs are one possibility as are odd size tyres which have the same effect. S3 diffs are 4.7:1 whereas all later live-axled vehicles are 3.54:1

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^^^^ Yep.

Aside from the 2WD disco tran/box issues (WTF?) I had the same problem on my stage one - it ended up being a rare 4.9:1 diff, (had me scratching my head for ages at my maths that one did), in the front axle that was causing my transfer box (LT95) to give the same troubles as you, but to also explode the centre diff.

Swapped the diff for a 3.5:1 to match the rear (sailsbury), and all was well.

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Hi lads thanks for the fast replies,

Sorry I simply assumed the left side of the box was 4wd and the right was 2wd, thanks for correcting me :) . I am using the Landy with the Transfer box in the position Right-bottom which appears to be the only I can drive smoothly in.

I dont think it is locking into position because I cant hear any sort of noise when I put the lever back in position and then it will jump out again soon after. (now been 5 times today). The lever also feels a little bit loose and have to pull back hard on it. I will go back into position easier if I out the main gearlever in reverse.

Thank you for any help


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Hi there,

I am new to this forum so please forgive me if I do any of this wrong. Thanks...

Basicly, my problem is that when I drive in 2wd my Discovery 1 1993 Transfer box will randomly jump out of the 2wd high position. This has been happening more often over the past 48 hours...a total of 4 times in 2 days.

This is worrying me quite a lot because when it jumps out the wheels all start to jump and the Landy shakes, grinds and jumps to a stop (locking the wheels in the process).

The reason I have to drive in 2wd at the moment is that I think the back diff does not match the front diff because when I put it in 4wd the car jumps along and bangs.

By the way although it is a disco 1 engine, gearbox and transfer box...it is fitted to a series 3 Land Rover.

Please help.........Thank you.

when your taking about 2wd i think you mean difflock out you still in 4wd but there center diff if alowing the front and rear wheels to turn at diffrent speeds as you drive.

may help it you get a photo of the transfer box as the transfer box shouldn't be the same as a series 3

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OK I understand now :)

The "4WD" position is locking the centre diff which is effectively the same as 4WD on a Series transmission - front and rear axles locked. If you have any mismatch as I suggested above you'll get horrible problems which it sounds like you are getting.

The jumping out will - if you are lucky - just be the linkage adjustment. Try that first. Does it stay in low range (lever forwards and right) OK?

However you do need to find out what is causing the awful mechanical cacophony because if nothing else it means the centre diff is spinning all the time in normal straight ahead driving, which it isn't designed to do and will probably not last. How long it won't last I couldn't say, but you do need to sort it!

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You can make an LT230 2WD (mine is 2WD) and some early 110's had them as 2WD but if it's in a Disco it would be 4x4 from the factory. I'd also say it's rather unlikely someone's gone to the trouble of fitting a Series transfer box or gearbox to a Disco, that would be wrong in so many ways.

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Hi lads,

Thanks for all of the replies. I havent had time to look at the Landy yet however I have noticed that if I drive with my left hand on the Transfer lever then it does not jump out. Does this suggest it is only the lever linkage (I really hope it is). The lever itself moves about quite a bit in all directions when in gear (can move it in a square shape).

The transfer box is definately a lt230 and I only thought it was 2wd because if I have the front free wheeling hubs unlocked the car will not move but as soon as I lock them in it works fine. So I stupidly assumed it was front wheel drive.

Thanks for all the helpful replies.

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Just to note:

The specs are:

Landy S3 88"


R380 main box

LT230 Transfer

Cheers :)

What axles and diffs are you running?

I'm wondering whether you've got different ratio diffs front/rear?

Also - series axles were fitted with universal joints rather than CV joints in the front - which will give you some odd feedback through the steering wheel...


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series axles and discovery box and transfer box = permanent 4wd = trouble as axles are not designed for this

no different to running a series box in 4wd ie yellow knob depressed which gives wind up


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There's no massive issue with running permanent 4x4 with UJ's in the front axle, I'm sure a fair few people on this forum are doing it. It's not the same thing as driving a Series in 4x4 mode, that would be the equivalent to having difflock engaged in the LT230, both versions of which are a bad idea on tarmac.

Free wheeling hubs won't play well with permanent 4x4 with the centre diff open, in as much as you won't go anywhere, but if the front prop is free to spin then the above stuff about UJ's, permanent 4x4 etc. doesn't matter as you could drive it with the centre diff locked and only the rear axle would get any drive.

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Deviating OT slightly, but regularly driving both 4x4 vehicles and one which runs in 4x2 most of the time, I can't see why anybody would want to fit 2WD to a vehicle that normally had permanent 4WD unless you like doing donuts :huh:

The Ranger is useless in 2WD and often gets stuck on wet grass even with AT2 all-terrains on! This is partly due to the lightness of the back end when unladen but I honestly can't see any advantage in day to day use in having 2WD instead of permanent 4WD.

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Now that sounds interesting!

Errr, why? You can make your centre diff solid by moving the little lever to the left :rolleyes: I know a chap on here fitted Defender FWH's to a RR and then welded the front diff up to gain a cheap locker. There should be a few sets of Def FWH's kicking about as I know a couple of people who've converted LT230's to 2WD in a Series application.

Deviating OT slightly, but regularly driving both 4x4 vehicles and one which runs in 4x2 most of the time, I can't see why anybody would want to fit 2WD to a vehicle that normally had permanent 4WD unless you like doing donuts :huh:

My reasons:

1) It's a Series

2) I prefer RWD on the road

3) I like doing donuts :P

It does go a surprising way off-road in 2WD, first time I went out with my creepy crawlers on I was half way across the site thinking "hmm, these aren't as fantastic as they could be" when I realised the yellow knob was in the wrong place :lol:

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