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How to make a 110 into a 130

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The 130's have an extra plate on the bottom of the chassis that runs from the front spring mount to the rear one i think, its typical landrover as it blocks all the drain holes bar one or two so then water gets between the plates and they start to rot.

I would just get some box and make the extension out of that, make the strengthening plates internal and flush your welds off and you wouldnt be able to tell it had been stretched unless you had it galvenised.


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theres only 1 problem, you cant get box section the same size as land rover chassis. i had to have mine made up by 2 L-shapes and then weld them together, thats why i suggested the centre straight bit from another chassis.

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Can you make a 110 into a 130. Its only a longer chassis/prop/wiring (assuming its a chasss cab) but have never seen the extra 20" for sale anywhere.

Would it need an SVA.

& besides, as western has hinted at, you only need 17" not 20", the 130s are actually 127s. A sheet metal shop should have no trouble bending up a couple of shallow U sections, then you could weld them in the middle just like a factory jobby. You would also need to sleeve the joint & puddle weld the sleeve to the outer skin to give full strength.


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Would this need SVA?.

Simple as yes it should, but it should be basic as everything is factory standard so SHOULD pass.

You would also need to check if you could keep the reg or need a Q plate, you can replace a chassis with a NEW chassis of the same spec (galvanising is just a coating so doesn't effect the spec. I can remember the points system but you should be OK provided the rest is origional parts.

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AFAIK, all the factory jobs are a 110 chassis with a cut and shut.

Nope, only upto a certain date, after that SV was far to busy to convert 110's to 127 that it became a full production line chassis with full length [no joins] main rails, a friend had a A reg that started life at Solihull as a in build 110SW it left as a converted to 127, you can see the chassis insert very easily, his current 130 [ex-rapier missle tractor] has a full [no joins] chassis & that's on a year of build 1989 reg plate.

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