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Defender Radiator

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I am in the market for a new radiator for my defender 300, just wondering which option I should take and thought I'd ask you what you thought was the best option

1 new aftermaket rad(paddocks or the like)

2 refurbished by specialist company

3 second hand (would 300disco be straight swap or good enough as I'm moving it to the middle in anycase)

whats your thoughts

cheers Brian

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I spent some time scouring ebay for a rad a couple of months ago and ended up with a £99 jobbie that came in a Britpart box :angry2:

And guess what... it didn't fit properly. It was one of them with the plastic side tanks rather than a full copper one. In order to get it to fit I had to remove the top rubber mounts adn then bend the top part of the radiator frame around it. Having removed the rubber mounts this then meant that the bolts that hold the top frame on were rubbing against the left hand side tank.

I'm not saying this is typical of these cheapy rads, maybe I was just unlucky,but given the reputation of Britpart its at least something to aware of.

Fortunately the company I bought from were good enough to send me a proper one when I phoned up and complained about it.

Prior to that we had an Alisport full width rad in there... luuuuuuuurly bit'o kit :wub: ... tbh I just wanted to hang it on the wall in the living room but SWMBO insisted that it would be more use in the truck! However having stuck a fan blade though it I opted for a standard one this time around cos they are blinkin expensive!

Recore will be the way to go for me next time now that I have a normal metal rad.

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Custom with a big fat core and wide spaced fins - goodbye to clogging up with mud:


This was completely custom made because of the shape but if you are using standard end tanks I think they can just re-core with the same style core & fins.

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Completely made from scratch it was about £240, that was because I wanted a size/shape for which there were no easy off-the-shelf end tanks. Re-coring a standard rad I imagine would be a lot less dosh.

The co that did it are Wessex Radiators in Southampton, 02380 40 2848. The core is something like an earthmover one and the fins are the least number of fins per inch you can possibly have, but it holds gallons of water and never clogs up.

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Metal tanks is the way to go IMHO. I found out when the viscous fan on my Td5 turned stiff it created a nice plastic hole-saw that ate a chunk out of the rad. Went to a radiator repair shop where they said that the risc of melting the plastic tanks was to high.

In my case I cut away the fins, and a bit of the core, then bent the core-pipes twice to make them tight. Had to get a new radiator. £££

I used my field repair without leakage for approx. 5000Km before the new one arrived though. B)

But this has nothing with the topic above to do I guess. ;)

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