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insurance insanity!


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I am 18, have pass plus, live in a B rated postcode and also put my retired mother on my policy and its £1312 per year 3rd party F+F on a R reg 1.8D fiesta van, to be fair i wrote off a 300tdi 130 in november (no other partys involved) but honest to god the extra £688 you pay is worth it just to be on the road in a landy.

I am with the RAC as they give a sizeable discount for PP (they beat everyone else buy at least £200).

How long did you spend on the phone ringing round? In the 4 hours i spent i went from over £5k to what i pay now.

Will. (Also slightly miffed at being charged alot for being young)

if you have already stacked a vehicle then you have no right to be miffed my friend! Young drivers stack cars and thats why young driver premiums are high. YOU are the proof!


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I fully realise that i am paying a higher price because i've already stacked one, but i did have to pay insurance before that! :rolleyes:

Us young folks have to do something wrong otherwise the oldies would have no one to pick on :lol:


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£1320 for the year fully comp on my 300 tdi discovrythe v8 is cheaper and that with the wife with out its about £1700 and wife is only a learner im 27 no NCB in the forces and have no accendents just a 30day ban and 8points :angry2: just have to grit my teeth untill it comes down my own fault really

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At the age of 18 I was paying £2000 for insurance on a RS Turbo Escort!!, So stop complaining!!! But it was a fun car. I wanted to drive it so I had to pay for it.

Perhaps if you hadn`t "stacked one" ( I assume that means you had an accident and claimed on the insurance) then stop complaining and if you had not claimed on your insurance, then you wouldn`t be paying through the nose, would you. :angry:

That is amazing?!! how did you get such a low insurance quote for that car? What insurance group is it anyway?

Oh yeah i pay £2900 a year for my 2005 defender 90 and i also have to pay out the first £750 of any accident thats my fault... Woohoo! But then again, i have a landrover.... Worth every penny! Try fitting an insurance approved alarm, i'm installing a cat 1 Thatcham immobiliser and that'll bring the insurance down by £300!

Someone also mentioned the named driver schwindle, i put my mum as the first driver as she's got 4 years no claims... and thats the kicker there, by being a named driver (unless your with bell direct, or the one with the red phone on wheels) you dont earn your own no claims bonus!

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i paid 1300 i think 2 years ago, i was 19 and had just passed on a 2.5 n/a! that was gaulling- i got 70 going down hill! its now 400 ish with a years no claims and im 21.

the problem with named drivers is that unless its a wife or direct family it dosnt make a difference-which is annoying. theres also some insurance loophole where if you get caught speeding/pulled and charged on more then one occasion then they argue your main driver. and the no claims is more important-i believe direct line do no claims for drivers, and i know cis do it, but you have to then have a single policy to get it-if that makes sense.

i think alot of it comes down to vehicle value-my 90 was worth 800, as opposed to a few grands worth of td5. and in crashes young people are usually blamed!

sadly mate you'll just have to lump it- try getting a quote 3rd party, but seeing as your 6months through its not worth changing.

courses wise, check what difference pass plus would make to your premium first-some dont accept it and it dosnt directly relate to a years no claims. and theres an advanced drivers course which did make a big difference to premiums.

there was a company which did a crazy policy in which you paid a high policy for 6 months, then it counted as a years no claims-not sure who it was, but i wish id done it!

at the end of the day, as much of a pain as it is, you can understand why it costs so much. i know at least 3 of my mates wrote off cars withing the first 6 months. the only solution is to not drive!

roll on being 25-or get a girlfriend whos dad is a broker!! :lol:

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by far the biggest discount I got was after I got married! Now pay 300 per year fully comp on limited miles on a very modified 110, but its a good postcode, has a thatcham approved immobiliser, I'm 26 and have 3 years no claims on motorbikes, have always been a named driver up til now on the land rover though! When I first got it age 20 Sureterm quoted me unhappy at £5000 for TPFT to keep it outside my house in Liverpool!

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