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Never leave any firearm unattended in a vehicle if you can possibly avoid it. If you do make sure its locked in a safe or secured to the vehicle with a gun lock that can be threaded through the action and secured to the vehicle.

Last year a friend of mine had his car broken in to while he stayed at a Travel Lodge in the midlands. He was there for a gallery rifle 1500 so had 4 firearms with him. As it was, he had taken the LBR and LBP in to his hotel room but left the rifles in the car having removed parts of the action. So he lost a .22 rifle and .38 lever action Marlin. Neither of which would work, but it caused him many months of bother including a court case to keep his licence and in my view he was very lucky not to loose it forever.

As for waving or aiming a gun at anyone, well your asking for a whole heep of trouble, even a imitation or air rifle is classed as a firearm if you do anything naugthy and the powers that be take a VERY dim view on it. If they want your motor so badly let them have it.

On a lighter note last week my partners trainee had a guy try to nick her bag from the front seat of her car while she sat in a que of traffic in Taunton. She noticed him approaching and put the bag under her legs and as the guy came in through the passenger door after it, she grabed his shirt and hit him with a right upper cut braking his jaw! (you should see the bruising on her hand). Luckily for her the woman behind her witnesed the incedent, stoped and gave her details. She then went to the police station to report what had happened only to find this guy there making a complaint of assault against her! Luckily she had the witness details with her so it got sorted out quite quickly, especially when it was found that this dim wit had a warrent out for his arrest :lol: But it goes to show how your actions even if your just defending youself can land you in a load of bother.


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On a lighter note last week my partners trainee had a guy try to nick her bag from the front seat of her car while she sat in a que of traffic in Taunton. She noticed him approaching and put the bag under her legs and as the guy came in through the passenger door after it, she grabed his shirt and hit him with a right upper cut braking his jaw! (you should see the bruising on her hand). Luckily for her the woman behind her witnesed the incedent, stoped and gave her details. She then went to the police station to report what had happened only to find this guy there making a complaint of assault against her! Luckily she had the witness details with her so it got sorted out quite quickly, especially when it was found that this dim wit had a warrent out for his arrest

That's broken up quite a boring day - nice one, and i hope she recovers soon.

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The police on recent form appear to shoot first and ask questions later, so it's not wise to be waving a gun around in a public place.

It only takes someone to report a "man with a gun" for the armed response unit to be hunting you down.

So keep it at home or dispose of it!


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not heard from the origional poster recently,

i do feel for him, as i dont know what actually happened as i wasnt there, and i dont want to wrongly accuse andone about being a leprichaun, if it was a mistake, it happens easily and i would be scared in tha situation and if it wasnt, then thank god youre okay. i also think it is a bit wrong to carry anything in your car thats there to purposefully hurt someone, but i do have a nice big adjustable that could do the job in an emergency, :ph34r:

im not sure i would go to that extent to talk about suspension no matter how good it might be.


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