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CT Watch Value ??


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In town this morning I saw that one of the jewelers has old stock watches for sale, of those that were there 3 were Camel Trophy Watches. They are new owners of the shop and found them hidden away in a drawer. There are 2 smaller unisex, one a regular face and the other being a chrono. The last one which I was interested in is larger and looks like the image below. (That image is B&W but the watch is silver in color with yellow rings around the chrono dials and the entire watch face).

Anyways these watches are 100% new, never sold or worn they were simply displayed. Other than a battery change they are perfect in every way including the plastic on the back cover.

Now they want half of the original selling price for the watches, the smaller ones 750:- (£58.75) and the larger one 1000:- (£78.34). I think that those prices are way too much and made an offer of 700:- for the one that I like but they refused.

Therefore I'm wondering is the asking prices that they have for the new old stock worth it??



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Now they want half of the original selling price for the watches, the smaller ones 750:- (£58.75) and the larger one 1000:- (£78.34). I think that those prices are way too much and made an offer of 700:- for the one that I like but they refused.

Therefore I'm wondering is the asking prices that they have for the new old stock worth it??


Hi Todd,

First a smart answer, Things are only worth it if you want it? second, if you paid the price they are asking (which you say is half price) would you feel unhappy or cheated? if you did not buy it and someone else bought it would you be disapointed?

Next here is a thread from this very Forum which may or may not help?



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thanks for the link to one of my earlier posts.

I have 3 CT watches in my collection, but none of them is "new". So before going out and paying what you or others may possible say was too much, I am looking for opinions.....should I go back next week and offer a touch more and see what their reaction will be? Unfortunately there was other customers in the store at the same time so I couldn't dicker a bit more. Then there is still the question, is their asking price too high compared to what a person would pay in England?


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They are specifically a Land Rover thing, so it's a limited market straight away. Ok if you collect watches like I do, but they are only worth what someone would pay for one. If the manufacturer was well-know, such as Rotary, Krug Baumann, etc, then that would mean a bit more.


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thanks for the link to one of my earlier posts.

I have 3 CT watches in my collection, but none of them is "new". So before going out and paying what you or others may possible say was too much, I am looking for opinions.....should I go back next week and offer a touch more and see what their reaction will be? Unfortunately there was other customers in the store at the same time so I couldn't dicker a bit more. Then there is still the question, is their asking price too high compared to what a person would pay in England?


So why don't you know the answers :lol:

Must admit I was a bit hasty and did not look to far :P

My other comments may seem cheesy but it was the best way it was explained to me!


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You did the right thing and made an offer of what you belived it was worth.

Although they did not accept, leave it a bit and try making an offer again - next time a bit less!

Good luck!

I'm thinking along the same lines Chris.

Although I already have 3 CT watches, they are all used and even with them I made offers that were accepted. This one is "new", so lets hope that the same rules apply when dickering.......when I revisit them.  ;)

So is it just Les and I who collect these watches?


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