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Driving my Defender through France

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Just trying to make sure my defender is prepped for driving to Spain with trailer, getting stuck with the headlamps.

What do people recomend for adjusting the headlamp beam on my defender? Do those stickers work / can they be fitted to defenders?


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I had no problem with my RRC which has the same headlamps as a Defender. I just used the stick on beam adjuster wotsits. Fitted them whilst in the queue at dover and took them off whilst in the queue at Dunkirk to come home!

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Just to reiterate what bishbosh said. The stick on adjuster things are available on the Ferry or in most shops near to any port and just stick on. I used some baby wipes to get rid of the bugs and rubbish before applying them.

I wasn't sure and put them on my top spots but have since found out that I didn't need them. Better to be safe/skint than sorry!

Be prepared for eveyone in every little village you drive through to stop and stare. The French loved our One Ten and we had groups of villagers staring at us as we pootled along. Lots of thumbs up and waves as well.

Must go back, love France.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They seem to be more expensive on the ferry...

also if you do pick them up on the ferry make sure you get the right hand vehicle ones.

as they do both for the Europeans coming across here :)

Have always used electricians tape over the moulded bit on the headlamp lens and never had a problem

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don't forget you need to have a fire extinguisher and hi vis vest

I think the Hi-Vis jacket is an excellent idea for driving in this country as well. I always carry a triangle, vest and extinguisher. Can't be too safe.

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Not sure about France but i know in Spain it's a legal requirement to have a hi-viz for driver and passenger, at least one triangle (two if it's a long or large vehicle, a spare bulb kit and a fire extinguisher.

they all have to be 'E' marked as well, also the law says they have to be 'easily accesable' so not in the back under tools, clothes etc etc.

we put our hi-viz's on the back of the seats, that way they're accesable but also visible to passing police.

i think most of Europe is getting the same way with the kit you need to carry, so even if it's not a legal requirement now they're worth getting. and Mike is right, the ferry's will rip you off, we got our triangles from a pound shop! and the hi-viz's for 2.50 apiece off a market stall. the triangles on the last ferry we got were 15 euro each! :huh:

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Just trying to make sure my defender is prepped for driving to Spain with trailer, getting stuck with the headlamps.

What do people recomend for adjusting the headlamp beam on my defender? Do those stickers work / can they be fitted to defenders?


Hi Chris,

When do you plan to come to Spain ? I live in Madrid, so I can PM my mobile phone number should you need some help here.

On the other hand, in Spain is mandatory to have a technical document of the trailer, issued by the manufacturer where the main figures like size, weight and tyre size are hereby declared (I towed a Sankey from UK bought at War & Peace Show, and now I have to pay a fortune to get its papers by a Spanish engineer). If the maximun weight of the trailer (empty weight + load) is greater than 750 kilos, then the trailer needs its own number plate, its own MOT, its own V5.. and its own assurance. Fortunately, the Spanish road police don't use to bother tourists (and they don't use to speak a single word of English) so you shoudn't be alarmed by my previous statemens.

There are some other illegal practices in Spain that you use to see in UK, like lights in the roof, number plate in the front of the roof rack, towing another vehicle with a bar... and new laws (thanks for being europeans) strictly regulate the installation/modification of roll cages, winches, bumpers, tyres... and everything you may imagine.



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Just trying to make sure my defender is prepped for driving to Spain with trailer, getting stuck with the headlamps.

What do people recomend for adjusting the headlamp beam on my defender? Do those stickers work / can they be fitted to defenders?



I forgot to mention that your headlamps hold a CE mark on them. Officially, if you place anything on it (like the ferry stikers or the much better option of black electric tape) you are voiding this certification and could be fined. But no Spanish police men will say you anithing about it, I think. May be in Germany you might be caught by the Polizei...



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Not sure about France but i know in Spain it's a legal requirement to have a hi-viz for driver and passenger, at least one triangle (two if it's a long or large vehicle, a spare bulb kit and a fire extinguisher.

they all have to be 'E' marked as well, also the law says they have to be 'easily accesable' so not in the back under tools, clothes etc etc.

we put our hi-viz's on the back of the seats, that way they're accesable but also visible to passing police.

i think most of Europe is getting the same way with the kit you need to carry, so even if it's not a legal requirement now they're worth getting. and Mike is right, the ferry's will rip you off, we got our triangles from a pound shop! and the hi-viz's for 2.50 apiece off a market stall. the triangles on the last ferry we got were 15 euro each! :huh:


In Spain there is a legal requirement to carry one, CE marked, hi-viz jacket for the driver, BUT if any of your passengers is caught out of the vehicle without wearing its own hi-viz jacket, then he/she might be fined. On the other hand, as they are so cheap, it's ok to carry some in the car.

Two CE marked emergency triangles are mandatory; if a single direction lane you have to put one in the rear of your vehicle (don't remember the distance, but something between 50 and 200 meters) and in double direction lanes you have to put one in the front, too. Some old triangles doesn't have any CE mark on them, but I hardly imagine any Spanish policeman arguing something about yours.

In the past, it was mandatoy to have spare bulbs and tools to replace them, as well as a complete spare wheel and a jack. Now these requirements are withdrawn, as some modern cars don't have spares for their xenon or led lights and others don't have any factory installed spare wheel. But I can't imagine myself leaving the spare wheel at home...

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