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What's the worst that could have happened?

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I once drove mine about a 150 miles or so with the centre diff lock on, (the warning light wasn't working - thats my excuse anyway!) It concerned me at the time about long-term damage/problems but it doesn't appear to have had any ill effects.

So long as the tyres are fairly well matched for size/wear, there shouldn't be too much transmission "wind-up".

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Lent my 300tdi to somebody and I think they have driven it with the diff lock on, on 'A' roads and Motorway, maybe 150-200 miles, now I dare not drive it but what's the worst outcome.

(or the best)

As everyone else says should be no damage.

I never lend my vehicle and I guess a polite no will be your next answer............ :D

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As everyone else says should be no damage.

I never lend my vehicle and I guess a polite no will be your next answer............ :D

A mate begged to lend mine on a tour! I guess the purpose was to impress a girl he just met. I simply told him in a nice tone that the bearings were gone!! :unsure: And even if it was untrue i would never have given my shark out!!

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As everyone else says should be no damage.

I never lend my vehicle and I guess a polite no will be your next answer............ :D

Well you live and learn, no more lending.

When I first drove it when it had the difflock on it felt like the back brakes were stuck on. I onnly drove it 10 yards moved it out of difflock as soon as it felf wierd I then drove about 500 yards and the light went out parked up and left it fearing the worst.

I drove it on Sunday for the first time just to see and although the light was off it felt tight, a bit like it was dragging a bit for about a mile. I changed down to low box at about 5mph and got the biggest clunk ever, like a release of pressure. It now feels normal and free'er.

What I don't get is 'Wind up' in my head everything is steel so it shouldn't wind up it should just go bang! and shatter I know steel has some flex but its not like a gearbox is made from elastic so how can it 'Wind up'?

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I know steel has some flex but its not like a gearbox is made from elastic so how can it 'Wind up'?

Every metal has an elastic zone (where it bends and springs back), a plastic zone (where it bends and stays bent) and a yield point (where it breaks fatally while being bent). The ironmongery of the transmission will get "wound up" like a clock spring, until the force required to wind it further (generally) exceeds the grip of the tyres first, rather than pushing the halfshafts into the plastic zone. Series machines in 4wd (no centre diff) will "skip" now and again (well, mine did) to try and sort the wind up out.

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If you do wind them up, jacking up each corner at a time enables you to release the wind up. I'd chock it carefully and do this without the handbrake on. Driving on a loose surface like gravel can also allow the wheels to spin and release the wind up.

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