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Erm..... "Twaeking a PTO MileMarker Winch.... Pt 1

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yep, i'd agree, run the cable off the bottom of the drum....

oh, and i know you know your stuff but don't forget that folded metal sections (as oposed to cut and fabricated stuff) is much stronger, ie, a cold-folded 'U' section is miles stronger than a section made up of 3 strips, but i'm sure you knew all about this, so i'll shut up...

Nige, do you have access to any 3D CAD software...? like Solidworks, Solid edge or ProEngineer? if so why don't you try drawing it up and getting someone to run a bit of FEA (finite element analysis) on your proposed design, my FEA skills are a bit rough otherwise id volunteer, as i'd be interested to see the results.

it would be pretty easy to simulate what you are trying to do, and at least you'd know if it was up to it, and it might throw up any potential weak points.

drawing it up should only take a couple of hours and running a quick-check analysis not much longer.. i know there are a few 'proper' engineers that hang around here (as oposed to the armchair variety) who might be able to help you out...

if you played around with the design, and added a few 'ribs and fillets' in stategic places i reckon you could get away with thinner plate, 20mm is a bit hardcore, even for you....

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Its just some metal work,........... it isn't rocket science. :P

I was unsure about it when I made it,.... but I was up against deadlines and workload for others was huge, so I went against my 'better judgement' and just shoved it on, it would be fine in most aplications, but PTO +2300psi + trip the PRV is pushing it a tad, I never thought I would take it to that level !

20mm is NOT going to be used,

I shall work around prob 6 & 8 up to 10mm in places max (depends what my mate has in his skip !), then this will be folded and lipped, with triangluation and gussets, and all braced and seam welded up, my thoughts at the mo revolve around a single plate with folds, milled out centre letter box, returns gusset and crossbraces etc, probably in fairness what I 1st thought about but knew the time to do it would be massive so I "Compromised" :angry:

CAD CAM and all this sort of stuff might suit some, but not me,

I'd rather just use me brain, experience, thought and drawings and just F****** build it ....

built 1 hybrid completely from scratch, and 3x comp racers and numerous other mods for others and to things....bit of a 'Fabaholic' really I guess :lol: ....time and thought is key - I rushed this..........

As you say there are a load of "Arm Chair Experts" who have a view, and make conributions on just about everything and every subject, except unfortunately they are talking of of thier A*ses, many don't seem to know they do it.

Some build some dreadful junk - most sod all, as they have virtually none or poor skills...but it doesn't seem to affect their ability to sprout **** (as per Northern chris annoyance post re cagework)

(Not aimed at you I may add ! :P )

Teach me to rush the job, the next one will be more than adequate,

I should have listened to myself ..............and not some of the others around me saying 'that will do' :angry:

As to the top rope yes it means more strain, but its simple to resolve with the right application, its this coupled with the sheer power thats done it, the whole idea was not to cut the crossmember, turning the winch upside down just makes it trickier, but I aint giving up yet, .......worse things have hounded me in the past....and I've sorted them

Next version may even include tubework , the base is ok, the surface area for mounting is huge and varied, .....so watch this space !


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Nige, do you have access to any 3D CAD software...? like Solidworks, Solid edge or ProEngineer?

We use SolidEdge V16 at work, been using it to draw-up and check-out the designs for an LT77/Series Transfer Case conversion. I'm just a SE electrical draftsman/designer (straight lines ;) ), but been teaching myself the 3D parts side of the program, much better than peeing around with AutoCAD.

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Nige have you considered smoking to calm your nerves :)

I agree with Nige on this,one thing that really grips my **** IS all the so called EXPERTS that all of a sudden pop up and spout carp about things they have only read about with no or next to F**k ALL experience. So i can see why he is getting stressed with some of the empty heads on the forum.


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possibly correct

but some of the people giving opions on this thread are very qualified engineers and have lots of experience in what they use and can do.

I have no expertise in Welding/Fabrication

doesn't mean I know bugger all about it though.

Bit suprised Nige has taken any flak to heart as he is the first to enjoy a bit of banter.

As for his fabrication skill they are obviously 1st class and I'm sure he'll make something better.

personal choice plays a big part to I think, your cage looks very well made I prefer the style of my own, but that what makes the forum intresting, different views/opinions and ideas.

Like yourself/Nigel there are many other experts on here

some just don't mention what they really do all day.

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I agree with Nige on this,one thing that really grips my **** IS all the so called EXPERTS that all of a sudden pop up and spout carp about things they have only read about with no or next to F**k ALL experience. So i can see why he is getting stressed with some of the empty heads on the forum.


Lets see, it bent, it bent BIG TIME, Nige posted it up obviously to get some form of feedback, people are providing it, irrespective of Exspurt or not.

That's how forums work, comments are always good/bad/indifferent and if you don't think someone's point is right, then either explain why you think different or agree to have differing opinions.

And the assumption of

with no or next to F**K ALL experience
sounds like a very poor arguement with very little dynamic evidence to prove people don't have the "experience".

I can see what you mean by some of the comments that come out, but tagging people as such I think is pushing the boat out to far :(

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possibly correct

but some of the people giving opions on this thread are very qualified engineers and have lots of experience in what they use and can do.

I have no expertise in Welding/Fabrication

doesn't mean I know bugger all about it though.

Bit suprised Nige has taken any flak to heart as he is the first to enjoy a bit of banter.

As for his fabrication skill they are obviously 1st class and I'm sure he'll make something better.

personal choice plays a big part to I think, your cage looks very well made I prefer the style of my own, but that what makes the forum intresting, different views/opinions and ideas.

Like yourself/Nigel there are many other experts on here

some just don't mention what they really do all day.

Very true Tony.

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The yanks refer to such people as web-wheelers :)

Which is fair comment, but a little unfair on some of the people here.

Not everyone has apptitude, the finances or the workshop to achieve top results.

Some people get a blasting, but then I step back and realise I'm old enough to be their Dad, and Nige is old enough to be their Grandad :lol:

What did the so called "experts" know about aged 21 ?

Not aimed at anyone, except maybe the vinyard owner of a rather fine bottle of red, I'm quaffing at the moment.

PS - I knew plenty at 21 - cause I'd been messing with cars for 6 years by then :D

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I go orf to get me supper and the posts gone at got all "emotional" :wub:

I guess me last post (typred fast cos food and alcohol were being threatened on me) may have been misunderstood..............then having rwad and caught up here goes :

Nige have you considered smoking to calm your nerves

Nah, doesn't work, but reaalllly loved smoking, particularly the taste, ....and yes I know I am odd :lol:

(however a couple of PMs I have had with 'advice' frankly apart from PMSL did P me off a tad - Oh, and you KNOW who you are, keep taking the tablets, and hopefully puberty will help you work out your A*** from your elbow :lol:

I agree with Nige on this,one thing that really grips my **** IS all the so called EXPERTS that all of a sudden pop up and spout carp about things they have only read about with no or next to F**k ALL experience. So i can see why he is getting stressed with some of the empty heads on the forum.

True chris oh so true, more the PM I am thinking of rather than most if not any of the above posts !

Bit suprised Nige has taken any flak to heart as he is the first to enjoy a bit of banter

Heart - Nah, flak,....... nah beginners....Think me post has been misread a tad ? :blink:

The yanks refer to such people as web-wheelers

Which is fair comment, but a little unfair on some of the people here

True so true, and yep on some here "A little unfair".

However, nice of you to post Andy, but please do hold off I do so much want to seriously F*** Up big time try out your Load-Cell :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nige is old enough to be their Grandad

Right then marshallay - please PM me with your chosen preferred method of receiving 'infliction of pain' :D I will then "Accomodate you" :P

Please can we all play nicely and behave now :lol: ?


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As long as it's cheap!!!!! Can't believe the idiots. Unloaded my simex and a tub, 1/2 shafts and loads of other small stuff and stacked it neatly and took the trailer.


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Just polish that load-cell........,

....don't want to wreck anything tatty :P .....


Oh come on Nige Just admit it your getting past it :) all this building by the seat of your pants it was ok in the 60s when you was sucking eggs with me grandad. But now unless you have worked it out on the puter thingy you have no chance. :(

Just get your bus pass go in to town on market day and forget it it will never catch on doing it properply like you do ;):)

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Hi nige,

Most interesting thing thought of looking at the pic is how all the load (and damage) has ended up on that one side.

Was the x-member sound where the winch mount has pushed into it?

8 ton almost doesn't seem like enough to push that surface area of 6mm through the x member.

Mk2 version of the mount could be interesting!!

Glad i've only got "puny" electric winches to mount.

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.............and, after todays "Antics" with only my front (monster) winch working I have now managed (with the help of Jons winch) to totally and quite spectatularly muller his rear cross member, ....after he got silly stuck big time for around an hour....

he may post pics to embarass me later

Seems to be the week for Hyd-damage :P

Hydraulic power....er yeah ? :huh: um, I think :lol:

Nige :ph34r: B*gger

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