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O/T Giving up smoking


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I have not smoked since Tuesday

This morning I left the whole site office in silence when my forman made the comment that the dryliners need help daily cleaning up their mess due to there on a price.

At which point I lost it

I when into the contractual details in grate detail as to why they are no different to any other trade on site and will clean up there mess or there price work is hard to do from the other side of the gates.

Then all the guys that were in my office slowly and quality left on after the other making there various excuses.

The other Site manager that shares my office sat and said

"he is giving up smoking" Laughing

now everyone is keeping well out of my way.

Its grate.

And I feel much better for not smoking I think :blink:

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No that will never change never could never will spell.

joy of being lisdexic

my clients find it funny some of the things that come up in letters that they fund hilarious and I am completely oblivious to.

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joy of being lisdexic

Oh, the anguish of learning spelling at school, then learning how to use a spellchecker, just out of respect for the people who may wish to read my writings!

my clients find it funny some of the things that come up in letters that they fund hilarious and I am completely oblivious to.

Don't tell us you work for FCUK!

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Congratulations - I wish to do the same one day!

Don't tell us you work for FCUK!

OT but,

One of the most succesful company slogans ever made and by pure chance! Apparently, when the "foreign" parts of French conncetion company used to email or Fax the UK office they always headed the documents with the shortcut of FC-UK and never realised how the UK office used to laugh, then a 21yr old office "boy" suggested to the MD UK they should use it - wonder if he still makes the tea?

joy of being lisdexic

Dont have that excuse here, but I do have an excuse, Im a draftsman, and as our lecturer told us, the only qualification needed is the ability to abbreviate! i.e. Through = thro, diameter = dia, etc etc etc after a few years, the brain goes into this permanent mind set.

Ne way, i is goin 2 work m8 - or is that ali g and txt geek speak?

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Congratulations - I wish to do the same one day!

OT but,

One of the most succesful company slogans ever made and by pure chance! Apparently, when the "foreign" parts of French conncetion company used to email or Fax the UK office they always headed the documents with the shortcut of FC-UK and never realised how the UK office used to laugh, then a 21yr old office "boy" suggested to the MD UK they should use it - wonder if he still makes the tea?

Dont have that excuse here, but I do have an excuse, Im a draftsman, and as our lecturer told us, the only qualification needed is the ability to abbreviate! i.e. Through = thro, diameter = dia, etc etc etc after a few years, the brain goes into this permanent mind set.

Ne way, i is goin 2 work m8 - or is that ali g and txt geek speak?


I became a Civil Eng so I would not have to do much writen work for a degree but ended up a manager in the constrction industry were I have to check method statments and Risk assesmants all day every day.


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I became a Civil Eng so I would not have to do much writen work for a degree but ended up a manager in the constrction industry were I have to check method statments and Risk assesmants all day every day.


We should all be VERY worried :lol::lol::lol:

Good on you, by the way. I wish you luck with giving up smoking, it really can't be easy.

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Apparently, when the "foreign" parts of French conncetion company used to email or Fax the UK office they always headed the documents with the shortcut of FC-UK and never realised how the UK office used to laugh, then a 21yr old office "boy" suggested to the MD UK they should use it - wonder if he still makes the tea?

Prob find the idea was nicked and patented by somebody called Colon and yes he does still make the tea :rolleyes:

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Keep going Jules! B)

Dan's given up - 3 weeks and 1 day now, not too many stressed moments ... at the beginning there was a fascination with carrot sticks and chewy fruit sweets, but his ditched that as well now. Even survived a SLRC Committee meeting and several nights out at the pub with mates with no problems at all! :o;):lol:

...this weekend we're working on the Series however, so it could be interestin'! :rolleyes:;):D

(just think, any money saved can be spent on the Landies - good news B) )

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