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Calling Simon Smith


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Some while ago there was a thread on here about Ametech 'Engine restore oil'. I recall someone, I think it was Simon Smith, saying that he had put some in his tractor which was suffering low oil pressure/bottom end wear and would report the results. The thread had to be deleted as Ametech are fiercely defensive of their product and emailed the forum admin suggesting slander and offering legal action. Please, anyone, keep that in mind when replying or the same will happen again.

I am just curious to hear the results of the trial in, as I remember, the tractor it was tried in. I am sure that if it was a success the OP will be able to give a good report of the product. If the results were bad then I guess Ametech will consider a poor report to be slander so best it not be made public - perhaps we have to read between the lines? ;) ;)

Mods, I hope this post (and thread) stays the right side of the line.



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Personal experiances cannot be called slander/libel, as they're true.

If he put the oil in his tractor and it didnt work, hes entirely within his rights to say that in written word or otherwise.

Empty claims that you "heard on the internet" or whatever though is where it all gets dodgy.

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Personal experiences cannot be called slander/libel, as they're true.

If he put the oil in his tractor and it did not work, he has entirely within his rights to say that in written word or otherwise

The trouble is, while you are correct, any such poster or even LR4x4.com may be asked to prove what they say in court, which is where it all gets inconvenient, expensive and creates the hassle such litigious companies rely upon.


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Just one look at their website tells you all you need to know. Reminds you of the 1980's molybdenum peddlars.

Quentin 'I'll do anything for a quid' Wilson says it's great however.

Snake oil, with a helping of placebo effect.

For a notoriously threatening and litigious bunch they are unintentionally hilarious in defense of their 'product'. There was a great rant/exploration of the worth of their 'product' on Pistonheads, but in defense of their 'product' Ametech tend to threaten legal action/accuse individuals of slander & libel and the thread was removed. I don't think you need any further proof if it can only be defended with litigation, and not independent empirical evidence. This is their standard copy paste response to the snake oil comment on any forum [Pistonheads/alfagtv6/gtr]with a query:

Hi Barry, I can't agree snakeoil as we have repaired over 6200 engines here in the UK since Nov 2003 each with only a couple of cans of RESTORE. We have over 2600 happy clients (100% approval on ebay uk) and only 3 negatives - one man had his cam belt fail after 100 miles and blamed RESTORE and two others complained about late delivery by the Post office. I hereby affirm that 500ml of RESTORE and 500 miles will repair any worn 2litre car engine enough to pass any MOT emissions test and any cylinder compression test. RESTORE will permanently add at least 50psi to any worn smoky cylinder within 500 miles. I challenge you to prove it doesn't work and i will accept a 6 pack of beer in lieu of your apology icon_smile.gif We offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. thanks daveb Director Ametech Ltd - Engine Restore Oil UK

Oh, and if you don't keep using it, the effect disappears. Brilliant marketing. Nanotech copper/silver/lead my arse.

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I'm still here, the tractor is still running fine, still has oil pressure, and still doesn't blow from the breather or blue smoke once warmed up.

I will shortly be changing the oil and filter and will not put the restore oil in it, just to see what happens. So fingers crossed :D

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It seemed to work. I have been told it's because it has a high viscocity index and nothing to do with coating anything. However I can't see a litre of this stuff making that much difference to the viscocity in a 20Ltr sump.

When I change the oil and filter, I will have a better idea. If it immediately goes back to how it was, then I will know it was just an oil thickening additive. If it stays OK or slowly deteriorates then it must have done something else.

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I've used this stuff at the request of a customer (I had just told the customer that the compression in no. 4 cylinder was low). I dismissed the idea, and advised that it's a bodge trying to cure a mechanical problem with a potion. Customer said he'd seen it used in other engines and wanted it putting in.

Well bugger me it worked a treat, initially there seemed to be little difference, but the guy took the car away, ran it for about 200 miles and brought it back, couldn't believe it was the same engine. Compression tested it, up from 90 psi to 160.

Don't really understand how it works, but it definately made an improvement.

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I've got to say that I never use any kind of additive - other than injector cleaner or similar. Additives just put off the inevitable (that is, fixing it properly). You put a can of thick oil in your engine - then you make the engine oil thicker, so less chance of it blowing past your pistons/ creeping down your valve seals. It will inevitably become thinner, and the problem will come back, so you are back to square one with the same problem - just a few quid out of pocket on what you have bunged in your engine to put off what needs doing properly. When Slick50 came out (friction the same as wet ice on wet ice - thanks to polytetrochrolorethylene :) - everyone thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but the reality is that it's still only a temporary fix ' to get you through the MOT' perhaps. IMHO - there's nothing that can replace fixing the problem 'properly'.


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I do agree with you Les, in my view it was only a bodge. But the car it was on was not worth spending £600 on a rebuild. I advised the customer it was a waste of money.

Was just posting to say, it did appear to work, and the customer has got another year's (at least) use out of said engine!

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