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Satnav for non-windows mobiles?


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I am thinking about getting a new mobile 'smartphone' within the near future and I would value some help, advice or experiences with regard to satnav options on the different operating systems available. I know that Memory map will run on a Windows based device but unless they have got a lot better in recent months it seems unlikely that I will choose a Windows device. This leaves me wondering what satnav options I have on the other platforms.

I want to be able to get turn by turn navigation like Tomtom and I want to be able to get Memory map style OS mapping for when I am off road - these applications need to work off-line so Googlemaps is not an option. Does anyone have any experience with such things on non-windows based devices? Is there such a thing as a Windows emulator that would allow me to run Memory map? What about Fugawi, Ozi Explorer or other systems?



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You can find turn to turn gps software for most (if not all) non-win op sys. The issue is to choose one for which you can find Ozi/Memory Map like programs with OS maps.

The ones that I know of:

- symbian: http://www.viewranger.com/vrphonesupport.php

- iPhone/iPod: http://www.routebuddy.com/atlas/

Thanks for the Route Buddy link, Will try it out


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TomTom is out on the iPhone now. Quite expensive now. And not so much fun if the phone rings while you're half way round Spaghetti junction.

Google Maps works fine, but you have to read the screen and watch where you're going - it doesn't read anything out to you.

MotionX GPS is a great little GPS app, but no routing. (edit: Route Buddy looks a bit like the free version of MotionX to me?)

A mate told me you can get a Garmin from ebuyer for about £35 and hack the TomTom maps onto it. Not that I'd advocate that sort of thing ! Just posting for info :)

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For on road I'm using Co-Pilot live 8 on the iPhone and it works well. IIRC it's available for Android and Symbian too. It was £26



I agree Steve.. Good product.

Updates due within a few weeks to sort out the issue of not resuming journeys after a call, and install features that were available on Copilot 7 which I used on PPC devices.

(Speed/safety camera alerts, which remain free and traffic available through subscription - Used to be £34 for 2 years!)


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For memorymap/oziexplorer level of functionality gpsdrive isn't a bad option, not that long ago someone uploaded a full set of digital UK OS maps for OziExplorer that could be used with gpsdrive with a little bit of work.


Other, mapping software options, are:



For step by step road navigation I've not found a native app, the best option for me was to use PC Navigator running under VMWare Fusion which works fine on Intel Macs.

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Have a look at these - http://www.satmap.com/

Designed for bikes and bobbles but getting very good reviews.

Software is not cheap, you can buy by county at 1:25000.

If this company really takes off, prices should drop.

I will have a word with a contact who engineered the design - http://www.cambridge-design.co.uk/


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still not found a non data streaming java based gps app. :(

There are 2 major issues:

- limited phone/etc internal memory (java programs are installed in and use the main memory of the device, not in the memory expansion cards) - the vector maps are quite big

- java apps are slow (without getting into details or specific cases) and vector map based apps are quite complicated and resource consuming.

So, the interest and the market for such a solution is close to non existent.

There are/were some turn to turn gps java apps with integrated maps, though.

The only one worth mentioning/trying is VGPS > http://www.digitalmobilemap.com < I suggest read the FAQ as well.

Because the file hosting they're using is painfully slow, see http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://javamapy.xf.cz/index.php?str=vgps for other demo maps (some are route restricted, some are gps disabled).

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