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Temporary fix for leaky sunroofs?


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Ive had leaky sunroofs for a while on my D2, but i dont have the time to fix them properly yet, so I had black duct tape (very well hidden against oxford blue!) around it to stop it leaking for a while but since winter rain has started the rains coming through the tape now (at least thats all I assume, its not split or peeling or anything) so does anyone have any other ideas that theyve used? Ta!

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Ive had leaky sunroofs for a while on my D2, but i dont have the time to fix them properly yet,

ooooh you lazy bugga! Should take about 2 hours to fully remove the headlining and re-seal all the plastic drain cups and blow air through the drain pipes and reattach them.

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a really quick check to do is...

get right up to the sunroof in question, and look to see if the seal between glass and sunroof fitting is sealed as sometimes you can clearly see where the seal is not sealing. also, vaseline or whatever you want to use WILL seal the leak and is not really noticeable around the sunroof. but it melts away in direct and warm sunlight but generally stays underneath between roof and plastic of the sunroof.... not sure how or when we will get hot sun/weather again this year. but you could use a thicker grease other than vaseline.



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On my D2 the main prob was a gap around the sunroof frames & the roof skin (back was quiet bad) siliconed these up (don't get a drip down the O/S/F belt any more) & siliconed the rear sunroof seal into place after cleaning the seal as it was slightly lifting in the corners & water was just going under said seal :( so far so good nice dry boot & no more waterfall (I kid you not) when I pull away now :D

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It poured with rain Monday

Disco forgot the first rule of cars. The water is meant to be on the outside! :angry:

Another job for the weekend then.

I wouldn't mind, but I've never been one for sunroofs and end up with a car that has TWO of them! :o

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best thing to do is to remove the head lining and fix it properly by removing frame from car, clean off old seal and then re seal with polyurethane like sikaflex. no point in a temp job as it will still pool only in a different place. ok, you might have broken plastic drains, but they are more than likely ok. just whip 'em out one at a time and seal 'em up for good, l;ike they should have been from the factory.

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Your right the best thing is to remove the unit, clean service repair on a bench and reinstall using "proper sealer" I did that to one of mine as the nylon sliders/bushers had broken so the glass would not pull down on to the rubber seal properly. I did not remove the head lining but removed the class and removed the screws from that direction, it was fiddley but do-able a mornings work. :)

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The only reason im doing it temporary is because i need a new headlining, as the person who had it before parked it up for ages and the roofs leaked and mildues got into it, it looks terrible and wont clean off! Im also afraid that if i take it out and do it and it leaks again it will be a waste of time because I cant tell where its coming from, i think its coming from everywhere, the plastic trim, the drains, the seal, the lot! I wish i could just fill them in because i dont use them anyway!

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The only reason im doing it temporary is because i need a new headlining, as the person who had it before parked it up for ages and the roofs leaked and mildues got into it, it looks terrible and wont clean off! Im also afraid that if i take it out and do it and it leaks again it will be a waste of time because I cant tell where its coming from, i think its coming from everywhere, the plastic trim, the drains, the seal, the lot! I wish i could just fill them in because i dont use them anyway!

I wish i could just fill them in because i dont use them anyway!

A rusty 6' x 4' sheet of corrugated iron + 50 Tek screws should just about do it then. :D

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