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Insurers want me to fit an immobiliser

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What sort of immobiliser, fitted by whom, and what proof do they require?

It's a different ball game if they want a Thatcham approved one fitted by an approved installer or if they are happy to take your word that you've stuck a battery cutoff switch on it somewhere.

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What sort of immobiliser, fitted by whom, and what proof do they require?

It's a different ball game if they want a Thatcham approved one fitted by an approved installer or if they are happy to take your word that you've stuck a battery cutoff switch on it somewhere.

I had this when I moved my insurance to Adrian Flux. They confirmed they didn't require a Thatcham, and were happy with written confirmation that I had a hidden switch fitted that stopped the solonoid to the fuel pump.

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good question Fridge, I should have been clearer, it needs to have an electronic immobiliser fitted (not necessarily thatcham, but probably a good idea if it is), I can fit the thing myself according to the chap on the phone.

Apparently the roll cage is the reason for needing an immobiliser :blink::unsure:

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Sounds to me like its time to find another insurer! I've found there is a relatively short list these days of people to bother phoning. I've even had the "we dont insure rollcages", or "we dont insure bull bars" etc etc.

Try Adrian Flux - they've never asked me for an immobiliser and I've got a roll cage!


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it was Flux :ph34r:

Untill this year I have always been asked for proof of the imobaliser being fitted. It is a Thatcham imobaliser and I have the paper work for the fitting. This time I got the best deal from NFU and they took my word for it being fitted and didnt query my no claims bonus. I have been asked diferent questions by diferent call handlers from the same firm. My rule being if I dont like the call handler go some were else. :glare:

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Untill this year I have always been asked for proof of the imobaliser being fitted. It is a Thatcham imobaliser and I have the paper work for the fitting. This time I got the best deal from NFU and they took my word for it being fitted and didnt query my no claims bonus. I have been asked diferent questions by diferent call handlers from the same firm. My rule being if I dont like the call handler go some were else. :glare:

If an insurer doesn't ask for proof at the start, they definately will when you go to make a claim. They're happy to take the annual premium but any excuse not to pay out!

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I've never really understood insurance companies.

I know they have to minimise their risk, but fitting an immobilser to a Land Rover with a simple engine like the Tdi is a complete waste of time when your average 13 year old spotty "yoof" can bypass it with a length of wire... :blink:


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I'd give NFU a ring, when we went insure our 110 we were told by several insurers that an immobiliser had to be fitted, Flux even wanted an extra £120.00 for the 'modification' of a roof rack!

when we called NFU they said we didn't need an immobiliser as long as the standard locks were in full working order, because 'farm vehicles are low risk and farmers don't really like immobilisers' when i queried about wether any additional security was needed they said it would help but wasn't required (obviousley it has LOTS of security on wether 'required' or not)

i give up on trying to make sense of insurance companies.

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Flux did ask me to fit an immobiliser but when queried on the proof they said I would need to produce one of the keyfobs for the immobiliser if the car got nicked. No fitting cert required or anything.

There's some suitable units on eBay for about £12 delivered :lol: only a couple of wires to fit.

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I`m approved to fit cobra and used to be clifford. To fit one on a 200tdi or earlier I would cut ignition and crank and know that pretty much everyone other than my gran could bypass it. The best item we fitted on older diesels were the mechanical/electrical immobilisers for heavy plant etc. The 3 wire and protected stop solenoids on later diesels did help a little. I personally use a disklok as its a bigger deterrent than a flashing light and stickers !!

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