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MOT today


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I took the 90 today for its MOT having expired I booked an appointment and duly attended

the station at 1330, a short delay till the tester was finished with a previous customer.

The 90 was wheeled in and the emissions tested, these were well with spec so no issue there

then onto the rest of the test he picked out a mark in the windscreen on the passenger side and a loose drop arm ball joint ( odd as it was just replaced) but no big issue, the headlights were also in need of adjustment(which he sorted FOC)

out on the road for the brake test and all was fine so back to the Station paper work being completed and about to leave when! Enter Mr VOSA a short conversation and he asks if he can test the car again as a part of the MOT testers Test so to speak, I agree and then watch as the most comprehensive ever MOT test is carried out on any car I have owned.

he found two more issues over the advisory I was already given, the steering box drop arm had some play and a slight corrosion on an original brake line front to rear.

He also pointed out the handbrake needed to be adjusted, this is where the better bit of my day happened as MR DPD parcels had delivered when I got back home a Shiny X-Brake (underdrive version)

Now on Wednesday I have a few small task and a pleasurable day to fit the X brake and for the first time have a Handbrake that doesn't need Adjusting/Cleaning/sodding around with.

I actually got home just after 1600 with a fresh MOT ready for the 4x4Adventures series in March :)

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I think I'd have said no, they couldn't re-test my car. I'm fully in support of maintaining high standards of inspection, and I am pleased that the testers are audited, but I'd be gutted if I was holding that certificate after a standard MOT inspection, and then they found something pernickity (headlamp aim, pedal rubbers, different "opinion" on steering play etc) and they rescinded the certificate!

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He said told me this would not affect the existing certificate.

the person who should worry is the Tester if he did not do the job properly.

The steering drop arm he said he would have failed the car on.

I'm guessing if it were anything serious the matter may have gone on a bit.

I just borrowed a 33m socket and tightened the drop arm some more.

I presume the drive to the station after fitting the box and tightening the nut with a spanner did not draw it onto the splines enough, any way it is tight now and I am confident the 90 is good to go.

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I Hate MOT time, don't know why I think it goes back to inspections in the RAF when they would always find something!!

I always make sure my landy is in top condition it gets a full service every 6k/6 months even though I could do most myself like a second pair of eyes on it!! I like to think I keep my Landy in top condition never compromise on parts and always research best method/legalaty before doing anything.

It goes further most of the time I will take a couple of days off before to make sure that everything is in order!! and change anything that I think may even look like it possibly will get an advisory!!

I would have hated the VOSA bit, Its really stupid I have nothing to fear and make sure that I would pass any roadside inspecton, (even went to get a new break peddle rubber today after a post last night as mine was looking "thin"!!!) but it gets me every time!!

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I don't see how it can't affect your existing certificate. If your tester had happened to be blind, tapped around your car with his white stick and then issued you a certificate, Mr VOSA would have to rescind it or issue a prohibition if he found something major. Otherwise, he's knowingly watching an unsafe car drive away down the road.

Obviously I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with your car or that you spent the test feeding biscuits to his guide dog, but I think I would have made my excuses and left.

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I think I'd have said no, they couldn't re-test my car. I'm fully in support of maintaining high standards of inspection, and I am pleased that the testers are audited, but I'd be gutted if I was holding that certificate after a standard MOT inspection, and then they found something pernickity (headlamp aim, pedal rubbers, different "opinion" on steering play etc) and they rescinded the certificate!

Are you aware that a VOSA official now has the power to stop vehicles on the road without the police?, so all he would of had to do was to wait until your car was on the public highway then insist it is retested!.

Best to co-operate really me thinks! :D

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Are you aware that a VOSA official now has the power to stop vehicles on the road without the police?, so all he would of had to do was to wait until your car was on the public highway then insist it is retested!.

Best to co-operate really me thinks! :D

not half VOSA are working 7 days a week at J27 M5 pulling in as much as thay can over 10 years old or towing

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not half VOSA are working 7 days a week at J27 M5 pulling in as much as they can over 10 years old or towing

Don`t i know it!

Got pulled there a couple of years ago towing the 90 on the back of the Discovery once and they went through the trailer with a fine tooth comb!!

Good news was they didn`t find anything wrong though :)

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A mate of mine runs a MOT testing station and he tells me that even with a new MOT certificate on the vehicle that VOSA can and will sit "round the corner" of an MOT testing station and pull cars that they know have been just tested and re-test them again on a mobile testing platform, This is of course if they think that there is evidence to suggest that the tester's at that station haven't been doing the test correctly, And before anyone suggests anything, I don't get any preferential treatment when i get my MOT's done there as he can't afford to get shafted by VOSA by doing a favour to me or anyone else for that matter, His business is doing MOT's and tyres/exhausts so doing the MOT's is a major part of his business so he can't muck about doing dodgy MOT's

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im a ex tester and i still worry like no ones buisness when my car is in for test lol

also if people worry about a class 4 mot they should try prepping a lgv for a test with vosa :blink:

those boys know how to use a fine tooth comb lolol



In some respects I'd rather go to a VOSA testing station than a garage. Certainly I didn't have any problems when I used to go to Darlingeton with a three tonner. I find my present test station very good, he only does tests

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Personally I don't have an issue with MOT's - I see them as confirmation of my belief that the vehicle is in roadworthy condition. If I was in Tony's shoes I would not have a problem with a retest or even a fail following an original pass.

I don't fancy driving something on the road that is unsafe.

As already said, a second / third pair of eyes can only be a good thing!

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Spot on I had no issues with it being rechecked and subsequently he found the drop arm play

I'm happier with it being all legit, he was very knowledgeable and said he would pull vehicles he saw on the road that looked like they needed attention.

from his thoroughness I would think he'd find any small detail and enforce the law.

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I too don't have an issue with going for an MOT.

At least my work is checked. Also my test station is very good, once the tester has finished on the pit, before it#s put on the rollers. I get the opotunity to walk down the pit and look at things for myself.

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MOT computerisation means the VOSA inspector can sit outside the garage in his car and know how long you've taken on a test, what you've passed, failed or advised on and will probably be in the building before the certificate has come off the printer.

There is no option but to do every test by the book, as they turn up without warning. Having the vehcle you've just tested crawled over again as they look out for anything you may have missed is not fun.

Next time you think a tester is being petty and should have just "let something go" bear that in mind.

If they find anything, we can get anything from a caution to being banned from testing.

We also get questioned on test methods and knowledge of the latest rules.

Whilst I'm sure some slip through the net, generaly a dodgy test, pass or fail, is a thing of the past.

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