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winter vehicle preparation


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i put this in the international forum as it's not specifically defender, though some of the jobs on the list are...

I'm making a winter 'to-do' list of stuff i want to do to prep the 110 for winter, i thought i'd start while the weather's still decent so that i might finish for when it turns! i thought it might be good for everyone to share ideas to see if i missed anything or to help others who might not do any prep.

1. waxoyl, done on mine but getting under it to check and touch up any missed/scraped bits

2. remove wheels and check brakes, replace/adjust any bits needing it, then put some copper slip on the wheel nut threads

3. remove and check the bulbs, giving the metal a smear of vaseline

4. seal up the bulkhead vents with some silicone

5. check and adjust (if needed) the heater pipes and cables

6. check the battery, give it a charge if needed and put some vaseline on the terminals

7. empty and flush the radiator then refill with a winter mix of antifreeze (done later in the year when it gets colder)

8. check and grease all the recovery points

9. give the locks a squirt of spray grease

thats all i have for now, anyone got any ideas for things i should add? :)

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Yeah i do! it's something i'm used to living on a farm it's kind of a winter routine doing things like filling the sprayer with antifreeze to make sure it doesn't split, and seeing as i'm a bit out of the way i like to make sure the vehicle's as reliable and useable as it can be.

i suppose some of the items on the list are things that should be checked anyway, but it always seems to be when it's freezing and miserable when things like brakes and heaters go wrong! leading to many cold painful trapped/hit fingers!

i guess having the boy scouts motto of 'be prepared' drummed into me is to blame! :)

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Seems a fair shout to me, although tbh most of it comes under the guise of routine servicing rather than specific winter prep, and it makes far more sense to me to do the routine stuff in summer!

I'd also add that you should check the thermostat is in good working order, or replace it if theres doubt, as this can make a huge difference to winter heat output if its faulty.

As for the anti-freeze, this country is not really cold enough to require a "winter mix", 50:50 antifreeze to water is whats usually recommended and its fine all year round on this (the antifreeze also acts to inhibit corrosion in the cooling system, so it really should be there all the time).

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It got down to about -16 a couple times up here, my block froze twice... it wasn't after I managed to get a 100% Artic circle come "hell freeze over" anti freeze in it did it stay slushi. I would have put whisky in it but that was used to keep me from freezing...

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I agree most of the things should be done routinely anyway, but as we have all no doubt experienced, sometimes the old 'to-do' list gets longer and longer and things get put back and back until you get up on a cold morning and the heater doesn't work, and you think "i knew i should have checked/serviced that when it was warmer...." i just wanted to make sure that if we have another proper winter everythings done!

and i'm not completely out of the way, but Maidenhead is the closest town, i'm on a farm surrounded by small lanes which never get gritted, or even maintained sometimes! and i use the vehicle around the farm too.

nice one for the recommendation to check the thermostat Aragorn, i'll add that to the list, :) i change the antifreeze as we spend a bit of time in hotter climes when we can, so often the usual mix i have in is a bit thin. ;)

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