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Fire proofing a Defender

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National emergency here with the biggest and worst forest fire ever and probably 60 or so dead and others missing so I am likely to spend part of the next few days helping in the SAR efforts but since I live in a desert I don't have any experience with this kind of operation. So any ideas on how to help the old LR survive the hot smokey and dusty conditions (hot and dusty I can handle but the smoke is going to be new) I am likely to be operating in would be wellcome. This is a 300 TDI with a snorkel, rear Detroit, brand new tyres (sob)- I can see this is going to be an expensive outing.

Any advice most wellcome.


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ok, you might want to put a filter of sorts on your cabin air intake (wont stop smoke mind), or make sure all the shut off control cables are sealing and doing there job properly.

Get a fire extinguisher!!!

Get under your truck and clean it up, remove excess oil/greese etc, if you're driving near/over burning debris then this can light old greese under your truck.

Make sure all your doors/seals seal and shut as best they can.

Make sure your washer bottle is full!

I would probably remove things like roof rack etc, dont want stuff getting stuck in it burning!

Also I might be tempted to actually remove the snorkel smoke rises... might even be tempted to let the engine breath from the engine bay, mine does at the moment with no adverse effects.

Just a few things that might help. Hope the fires get put out soon mate, good luck and be safe!

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Maybe look at replacing the paper air filter with something less flammable, or at least put some gauze over the intake to stop it sucking in burning embers. Aside from that, no great ideas other than carry as much water/extinguishers as you can plus good communications and emergency gear if the worst should happen.

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I really wouldn't be getting so close to any fires that you need to take such precautions...

You'll never out run it and if the truck breaks down you may not have a choice. If you're in the line of the smoke you're in the line of the fire.

Stay safe.

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Thanks all for the advice. At the moment we are still on call but no deploy orders. Most of the work is for the aircraft and I honestly can not see any work for us SAR types as we aare more versed in alpine and real search rather than fire. That said as I am a paramedic I may have to go and boost the ambulance services abit to give them a rest but that will be without the LR.

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I really wouldn't be getting so close to any fires that you need to take such precautions...

You'll never out run it and if the truck breaks down you may not have a choice. If you're in the line of the smoke you're in the line of the fire.

Stay safe.

Exactly right IMHO. Very noble to put yourself out there, but don't become a statistic yourself please!

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First thing , if you havent recieved training in how to act, deal with bush fires then they should not be sending you out into an active area.

If you are operating in the dead area behind the fire front then you are not really in any danger,you can only burn the fuel once , the landrover will cope quite adequately with the dust and smoke, much better than you will!

Avoidance of smoke is best policy (obviously), BA is the only answer. As mentioned goggles do provide some relief , and carry eyewash to deal with any eye contamination . Plenty of water as well .

Keep an eye on debris buid up on the vehicle , esp underneath,esp round nylon fuel lines , as most ae these days, as driving with grass, embers etc , can be fanned into quite afire due to airflow whilst driving . Carry large water type extinguisher , best for this type of fire, also implement for raking out etc . A dry chem extinguisher as well would not go amiss to deal with fuel fire if the scenario above occurrs. I have only addressed the scenario as above , as operating in an active area is not something that can be dealt with in five minutes . HTSH

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