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Desperate plea for help - 200tdi


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I'm lost as to what to do now with my friends 200tdi - we can't get the bloody thing to run. I'll start from the top...

The original 200tdi died a painful death, so we got a replacement engine from a fire damaged disco (body fire not engine) pipes etc were melted but that was all the fire damage on the engine.

As it was mostly in unknown condition, we used the intake and exhaust manifolds - inc turbo off the original engine

Also the oil pump/filter housing and lift pump and diesel injector pump (basically took the replacement engine down to bare bones)

Then did a cambelt change and fitted it back into the engine bay

Now it's all back togther and turns over ok, we have diesel at the injectors and power to the glow plugs - but it refuses to start

We even tried tow starting it, and it almost went - but still just about refuses to kick into life

So what could be stopping the stupid thing from starting? I'm no mechanic and as such am at a loss as to what to check

Any help or suggestions welcome!

Cheers, Leon

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I'm certain the crank/cam timing is bang on - triple checked the timing marks before closing the front up

The injection pump is the only thing I can think of, but have no idea how that works tbh. How would you check it's set up correctly?

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Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone...

Couple of questions - apologies if they are stupid ones (but as I said I'm not a mechanic)

How do I check the pump timing is ok? Do we need to take the front of the timing chest off again to do this?

We've cheked for power to the glow plugs and they're the ones from the original engine (so they did work) but how do we test them to be sure they're ok still?

Where would we find the stop solenoid on the pump, and how do we check it?

Thanks again!

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X3 on the stop solenoid. Make sure it has 12v with ignition on. You will hear it click with the key turned and a head in the engine bay.

You can pull it out of the pump, remove the rubber plunger and spring and refit the solenoid body to rule out the solenoid altogether. You'll have to stall it to stop the engine....

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Ok, we'll check for a click on the injector pump solenoid - a nice easy one :)

Still need to know how to check the pump timing though if anyone can explain? fozsug - thats the guide I used when we changed the cam belt - I'm thinking the issue could be the pump, as we used the one off the original engine - so I guess it's possible it wasn't set in the correct position when removed if thats possible?

When I changed the cam belt, I turned the crank until the timing marks lined up and put a bolt through the pump sprocket to lock it off then swapped the pumps over - still with the pin in the pump we fitted... Does that mean in theory it should be set correctly, or would the pin fit through the pump 'face' in more than one position? Sorry for all the questions but I've never encountered an injection pump before!

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Ok, we'll check for a click on the injector pump solenoid - a nice easy one :)

Still need to know how to check the pump timing though if anyone can explain? fozsug - thats the guide I used when we changed the cam belt - I'm thinking the issue could be the pump, as we used the one off the original engine - so I guess it's possible it wasn't set in the correct position when removed if thats possible?

When I changed the cam belt, I turned the crank until the timing marks lined up and put a bolt through the pump sprocket to lock it off then swapped the pumps over - still with the pin in the pump we fitted... Does that mean in theory it should be set correctly, or would the pin fit through the pump 'face' in more than one position? Sorry for all the questions but I've never encountered an injection pump before!

Right, now your going down the same route as I did, has the pump's selonoid got an immoberliser in it ????, my money says YES, if it has you might notice different wires I had to smash mine off with a hammer & replace it with a new one & that solved mine my 'new' engine came out of a burn out as well.

Hope this helps


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You say that you're getting fuel at the injectors which would suggest that fuel is getting past the stop solenoid so that's unlikely to be the problem. I would also rule out glow plugs, the glow plugs on my 200tdi haven't worked for years and it still starts even in the coldest weather without any problems.

As others have said it sounds like a timing issue. I haven't removed the pump on a tdi but I swapped one on a perkins prima and that was bolted through slotted holes to allow for fine adjustment, you would physically rotate the pump slightly which would have an effect on the timing. The tdi probably has a similar set up, you really need a dial gauge to set the pump properly once removed/refitted but if you can move the pump slightly and get it to fire up it may confirm your problem.

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Still need to know how to check the pump timing though if anyone can explain? fozsug - thats the guide I used when we changed the cam belt - I'm thinking the issue could be the pump, as we used the one off the original engine - so I guess it's possible it wasn't set in the correct position when removed if thats possible?

As i said above...

AFIK, well on a 300tdi anyway, there is a small cover over the pump drive pulley on the front cover. Whip that off, gett the crank timing pin in, then see if the pump pin can be slipped easily into place.

Might have to take fan off for access.

Also, if as you say, you have fuel to injectors, it cant be the stop solenoid.

My money is on the timing, needs to be spot on.

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Great, thanks everyone. There is indeed a small round cover that comes off the front of the timing case infront of the pump pulley. There are 3 bolts through a big washer type thing with slots for adjustment - I didn't want to touch it just incase!

Will have a look at it over the weekend

Is it a case of try and get a pin through, and if it doesn't fit straight in, then adjust slightly until it does?


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I managed to get it started - and it runs great - a little smokey, but I think it will clear when it's had a bit of a run...

Looks like a combination of a loose banjo type fitting on the top of the injector pump and the timing of the pump being out - some minor adjustments and a bit of easy start and it fired into life - and now starts and stops under its own steam - totally over the moon :)

So thanks everyone for all the suggestions!

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Well he tells me that it's stuggling to start now - apparently sounds like a flat battery? But it's the battery off our friends 90 200tdi which was fine... so I think there is something still not 100% - almost like there is a lot of resistance somewhere

I'll get over and take a look tomorrow - will clean up all the earths etc and see if that helps at all

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