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Has anybody else noticed the shiney, spangley, new LRDirect.com website?

First impressions seem very good, you search for a part number and it gives you all the variations of the part from a whole heap of suppliers :D ... Perfect! Just what we've all been after for so long!

I think I may have used them in the past, but as they were "just another supplier" I had no reason to rate them, but if the new website is anything to go by I will be making them my suppier of choice for the simple reason that I can specify non-sh#tpart stuff without having to phone them up first to ensure that the non-sh#tpart stuff doesn't actually come from sh#tpart! :lol::blink:

As with most suppliers a simple search on this here spandangalous forum will turn up a whole heap of posts both commending and flaming pretty much any supplier, so I will be placing an order with them in the next couple of days so will let you know if I get the bits I actually order.

Wish me luck... I'm going in! :ph34r:

Dan :D

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True, LRseries does have something similar and generally they deliver what you ask for, but the choice is limited and you get arsey emails if you even dare to ask them where your stuff is after 5 days of waiting :huh:

Agreed, if you are part-numberless then it could be a PITA, but there are plenty of ways to find a part number... google, Part numbers forum, Microcat on your pooter, Microcat online etc etc

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I don't like the fact that you have to register on their site with email address etc before you can browse the products. I'm suspicious that this is data harvesting and going to be used for spam.

I'll not be using their site.


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I use a different email address for every site I register with so I know when I get spammed who leaked my email address and can then just chuck the address away as well as cease using that company.

I've used LRDirect a few times over the past few months and haven't received any spam.

I also found them very helpful when I rang up to change an order.

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My method was to buy a domain name, you can configure it so all mail is delivered to your normal email address. So you can use any address you like at that domain name and receive mail for as long as you like with no extra config.

Sorry for going OT

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