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Driving Licence


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After watching one of the "cop/chase" type programs on the TV a couple of nights ago where a fairly reasonable chap got himself arrested and his car taken from him because his driving licence was no longer in date. It turns out he had moved around a bit and had negated to inform the DVLA of his latest move during this time his licence had reached it's 10 year point and needed renewing, but because he had moved he had not received the reminder done anything and it was therefore expired.

Anyway I asked Mrs S if she had updated her licence when we last moved she checked and had not, It was a lucky spot as her licence ran out in two weeks time!! Not the end of the world as it turned out as they can check it against your passport online and for £20 it was all sorted but could have led to a lot of problems if we had not spotted it.

Worth making sure you keep these things up to date.


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Didn't realise licences did expire (upto age 70) Mines valid from 1/1/1976 to 26/9/2019

Old paper ones didn't but the new Photocard ones require the photo updating every 10 years hence the post as I didn't realise it either.


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I was going to keep my paper licence for this reason until I was told, you won't be able to use that (paper) licence after next year outside the uk. That was in 2010.

The passport renewal was bad enough, now thw D/L needs doing every ten years.


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I was going to keep my paper licence for this reason until I was told, you won't be able to use that (paper) licence after next year outside the uk. That was in 2010.

The passport renewal was bad enough, now thw D/L needs doing every ten years.


It's actually fairly easy if you have a machine readable passport you don't need to go through the whole photo thing you just stick in your passport number as the photo is available on their system so it should take 10 days to get your licence.


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Even though my license was valid until 2015 I too had a letter from the DVLA telling me I must send them £20. Just another sly indirect tax. However as I now live in France I swopped it for a French license, for which no charge was made, and seems not to have expiry date. I was then able to tell the DVLA they would have to manage without my £20, which pleased me greatly.

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Have to check the forms and pricing but..

I think if you need a new license due to a change of address or passing extra vehicle bits then it is free.

If it expires due to the 10 year age then there is a fee.

I had to change mine a few years ago for a move of address and there is no option of keeping the paper only licence.

Passport renewal is relatively easy provided you are still recognisable from the photo in the old passport if a bit greyer and wrinkly. I have found the postoffice check and send service pretty good.

Getting a second passport is a rip off, you have to go throught the whole process from scratch (and pay the higher fee) sending off birth certificate and getting countersignatures even though I currently had an excisting passport and was using the same picture and same details, even the woman on the help line though it was strange when she confirmed this was required.

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It's actually fairly easy if you have a machine readable passport you don't need to go through the whole photo thing you just stick in your passport number as the photo is available on their system so it should take 10 days to get your licence.


Except my passport photo is as opld as my driving license photo so...

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You are still legal to drive if your photocard has expired - mine had and I didn't recieve a reminder.

You can drive before you get your licence renewed as long as you:

* have held a Great Britain or Northern Ireland licence issued since 1 January 1976 or another exchangeable licence

* are not disqualified from driving

* haven't been refused a licence for medical reasons or for failing to comply with medical enquiries

* wouldn't be refused a licence for medical reasons - if in doubt, check with your doctor

* keep to any special conditions that apply to your licence

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You are still legal to drive if your photocard has expired - mine had and I didn't recieve a reminder.

If your licence/photo card has expired you are not allowed to drive, as you no longer have an entitlement to drive, the paragraph you have posted is from the bit after you have renewed it you have missed the bottom condition off which I have just taken from the screen shot from my wife's application stating that you can only drive if you still have entitlement if your licence has lapsed I would say you no longer have entitlement IMHO:


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The entitlements are on the back of the photocard, for example my category B entitlement expires on 29/12/2058.

The photocard itself expires on the 29/02/2016, but the entitlements continue unhindered so I can continue to drive while I wait for my new photocard to arrive for example.

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As a slight aside to this - I realised you can renew / change address on line these days (as long as you have both parts with you).

I changed my address on line - free of charge thankfully - and the email acknowledgement said it should arrive in 10 working days. That was Monday afternoon (20th) and it arrived in the post this morning!

Well impressed - and they hadn't even taken my bike licence off :D

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