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Roof Pod


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I don't want to get a Raptor type console as have the newer shaped TD5 centre dash, but want to move my CB, it is currently mounted on the back of my cubby box but I am now on the third Mic it is not always easy to reach the controls when driving without taking my eyes off the road. Therefore looking at option I came across this Roof Pod, (photo below) it is quiet spendy and there is very little information about it, so thought I would ask some questions on here.

  1. Has anyone got one?
  2. How easy is it to fit?
  3. How does it attach?
  4. How has it been?
  5. If you do have one would you buy one again?

Thanks, Jason.


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Give Derek a ring, his number is on the lrs website. Really friendly bloke, I'm sure he fitted one to his/the shops 110 so he will be able to tell you all about it and send more photo's. If your close you could drop into his shop, or he might be at one the shows later in year.

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Give Derek a ring, his number is on the lrs website. Really friendly bloke, I'm sure he fitted one to his/the shops 110 so he will be able to tell you all about it and send more photo's. If your close you could drop into his shop, or he might be at one the shows later in year.

Thanks, that was my next action however the sceptic in me prefers to check with actual users first, not doubting that he is a nice guy but I would expect him to tell me it's easy to fit, works really well, etc, etc. Why wouldn't he, he is selling them!!

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Sorry for the hijack but I was looking for a roof console and stumbled upon your post.

I've taken a punt and just ordered one, will post a right up of installation.

Cool, if you could let me know how it goes I would be grateful.

Cheers, Jason.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Placed an order on Monday but out of stock at the moment.

Should be with me by the end of next week, will post some pics once I get it.


Did you get the roof pod? have you fitted it yet?


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looks nearly as good as my home made radio shelf which by the way looks the dogs. i will post pictures maybe tomorrow.

Are you still going to post pics of your homemade radio shelf?

As that is what im probably going to do; so a couple of shots of yours would be good.

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  • 2 months later...

Placed an order on Monday but out of stock at the moment.

Should be with me by the end of next week, will post some pics once I get it.

Hi Mate, How did you get on with this, did it arrive etc?


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Thought about one of those as well but decided to have ago at making my own, i'll put more picks up tomorrow this is the only one to hand at the moment you can just about see it.

didn't cost much just plywood, thin foam, vinyl and staple gun. Currently houses the CB, speaker, spot light switches and interior light but probably going to and a second light to rear and map light, it's really stable as well.


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Cheers Ross, Yes I did see the pods at the L2B but wasn't sure as thought they looked a bit 'home made' I didn't realise that Raptor were planning on making a roof pod. Dennis is coming over tomorrow so I will have a chat with him and see what he knows.

I really liked the look of the ones above but just wanted some feedback first, and with birthday and Christmas on their way Mrs S was looking for ideas..... I guess if Raptor haven't got one it's going to be the Frontier Stove....

Cheers, Jason.

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  • 4 months later...

OK so I never found anyone who brought one of these and at £280 it was a little spendy for me, I have however just come across the Terrafirma Defender Roof Console. Looks like ti will do the job and is well though up. So again:

  • Has anyone fitted one?
  • What is it like?
  • What was the quality like?
  • Any other comments?


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I had a similar console fitted to my previous 110 (wasn't the Terrafirma one, but bloody similar!). It was a doddle to fit, wiring it up was idiot proof and it did what it said on the tin. Only quibble I had about quality was the plastic trim strip that went around the roof/console join not being glued down properly. Tube of superglue took care of that.

Other comments - take care as it becomes another repository for junk useful stuff....

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