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Air tank pressure


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I have a warn 5gallon air tank buried in the dark depths of the 110 somewhere. The air con pump that fills it is triggered by a pressure switch that was donated to me by a friend. But unfortunately it only seems to fill to about 40psi. Even with my very basic knowledge of these things, that seems a bit low. I've checked the switch and there doesn't appear to be any adjustment screw on it. So I thought I'd treat myself to a new one. But which one??? Does anybody know what the warn tank can take pressure-wise? Obviously I'm not interested in filling it to its maximum and risking blowing the pressure valve every time, but it would be nice to be able to get some proper blow out of it.

So I guess what I'm asking in a very long winded way is what's a good working pressure range for a basic on board air setup?

Cheers all


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Cheers for the link Paul, that looks like what I need... just need to find one that doesn't have "Off road" in the title, then it'll probably be cheaper!! ;)

Thanks to both of you for confirming that somewhere in the region of 100psi is a good number to have :)

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I'm using the same type of switch as Kev. The adjustment pressure range is pretty wide, and a fairly sensible hysterisys.

My on board air tank (ex RRC air suspension) runs at 100 PSI, supplied by the serp V8's Denso A/C pump. Works my twin truck air horns nicely :D

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@ejparrot... yeah, hopefully, but 'cos its buried, I won't be able to find out too easily :(

@MrKev... cheers for that. I was looking at them and wondering if the red pull switch could be bypassed?

Just leave the red pull switch in the on position. IIRC they aren't so much a switch as more an alternative way to activate the normal switching mechanism if you see what I mean.

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Yeah, the red pull switch is very much connected to the part of the actual switch contacts inside. I/my passenger keep kicking mine into the off position - worth building a cover for it or cutting the red bit off completely if you don't need it.


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