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Pomerania XXXII


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HI Folks

Here is liltle story about our third trip to Pomearania The Kitten's third trip to that event.

Here link to the organisers web http://www.njz.pl/ and here the event in brief on a Dutch site http://www.landrover...ring-adventures


Early morning more than 900km to go.


The "road train" at one of the quick stops for a pee


Here are our friends Peter and Jannik wich joined on the go also in a series LR leading the way.

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After almost 700km the Polish Boarder is close.


Last propper meal ( schnitsel) before we go on survival food.


Fueling up before the "race" not that it is a race but for us it is 300km of roadbook on unpaved roads an exelent way to train building speed up going by roadbook.


Uhu next morning !!! not strange that it was a bit cold to slep in the van -5 during the night.


We are on the move first small water crossing. there will be meny more on the move.


Crossing is no prob with a good recon to avoid the "traps" with to deep water.


Small pudle to be crossed co pilot quick figured to attach rope to the guy in front so the mud splassing is minimised.

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Time for food Bacon Bacon and more Bacon and a bit of Pasta good survival food :i-m_so_happy:


And of course the usually fetling the Landy,

And soon we are on the move again, punches are so much easier in daylight



Good to have a fast pto driven mech winch.40m /min is no prob :i-m_so_happy:


Really strange landscape

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More muddy punches to do.


Eventhough a Snorkle fitted what does it help when you lean on it adainst the bank watch the black mud on the righthand side on the windscreen ups ups no good as you will see below.


White smoke!! we are runing on water, bugger bugger......


Good, one are running K&N, a paper filter would newer have survived this, after two hours digging mud out and a quick wash for the filter in one off the Trangia pots we are ready to go again.

Due to the properties off the K&N only a bit off water got through, it saved the engine :i-m_so_happy:


Next day a bit more fetling to keep it going

We came to have a good time and ended in fourth place in our class A Adventure

Jannik and Peter got third so it does not take a tricked up coiler to make good results the old leafers does still hang in. :lol:

One of our best trips ever...

Kind regards

Lasse (co pilot and pictures) & Ole

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It was a great event and it was very nice meeting you Ole!

Just so you know, I was the co driver in Mouse :)

I sadly didn't bring my camera in the car, so my only pictures are of the campsite.

Also, that big puddle you see Mouse going through in the pictures... it's even deeper in the middle :glare:

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What he said!

We really enjoyed ourselves and it was very nice to meet you guys and see the kitten go through some of the trial stages!



Hi Filip & Ben

Nice to meet you and very unexpected to see Mouse IRL, but jolly good, would be nice to see you again with more time on hand, we are going to Hardenberg 11-13 Nov to watch some Dutch racing so it might be that w edo pop in for a coffe.



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Looks like a good old little competition Ole :i-m_so_happy:

Yes it was a very good time, we do not take it as much as competition as we do only do the driving part off it not all the "boyscout" tasks ie rappelling cooking food for marchals and so on, but it is a great nature to explore there are so many beautiful places to watch while one is on the move and the intensity at nigth time while doing punches in the dark woods is breathaking.

See you soon



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