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Sludge, Slime or whatever that puncture sealant stuff is called !


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I was wondering if people have used the puncture repair fluid that you put in your tyres and if so what were your thoughts ?

I'm sick of having leaking beads and having to strip the tyres down to clean em. (I'm on 20 bolt split rims!).

What is the tyre like afterwards ? Can you clean the stuff out if you need to ?

Which brands are ok and which should be avoided ?



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Be aware that most tyre-fitting places will charge you significantly extra for 'cleaning up the mess' when it comes to fitting new tyres to your slime/foam-treated wheels.

And it pretty much renders a tyre unrepairable if it _does_ get significantly damaged. I'd prefer to be aware [through the hassle of a flat] that I've got a damaged tyre, rather than have some slime seal the wound only to have it open up again when I'm doing 80MPH.


"I have a vision of a gradient, hiding in a bush, leaping out on some unsuspecting Land-Rover. And getting Squashed"

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Cheers for the replies :) Our local farm supplies shop keep linseal in stock, so i'll get some tomorrow.

In answer to above comments :

- i can't run tubes as i'm on double beadlocks with an insert in the middle.

- if it were to go in normal tyres, we have our own tyre machine

- balancing isn't a problem as we only use them offroad


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2 biker friends rate Ultraseal; I have nicked the dregs of theirs also and used it in our farm wheelbarrow, which used to leak steadily, but now holds pressure - speed not really a factor with the barrow but the bikers don't fancy sudden loss of air pressure, even though it does make a mess.

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