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Keep yours in a garage?

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How important is it to keep your old Defender etc in a garage?

I'm sure it'll help it age more gracefully, but how much?

Sadly mine will be out in the open for another winter, I have a garage but its too short for the Defender to fit in :(

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When my 110 was owned by my mum it got kept inside - probably about 16 years. The last 5 years have been outside. The chassis has only needed a couple of spots doing, the bulkhead is great. The doors are pretty crappy though. However, i reckon it would be a whole lot worse if it hadnt been kept inside. We did that mainly from a theft point of view though.

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We garage ours, but tbh that is only due to theft most of the year - if it weren't for the risk of theft we would simply garage it through the winter to stop it freezing up.

When I put it away during the day, I leave the garage door open until the evening to let it breathe as sealing the garage up too much can cause as many issues as leaving it in the open.

Overall for the condition of the car I think that it is better to be under a car port or garage with the door open. We just lock the door overnight so it isn't nicked, otherwise we would leave it open overnight.

In the last 18 months our Defender basically hasn't deteriorated a jot that I can see, and it has over 100,000 on it.


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Sweat and then do what , lose weight :-)

Could have a point my garage can get up to 40+ degrees in the middle of summer.

I know in the uk to take a wet car from the road into a garage still wet is bad for a car As the car will rust more

But don't really have rust here


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The LR lives under a carport with full protection on two sides and is sheltered on the other two which is great for working under and means that even in on the coldest morning or during the deepest snowfall it is completely clear.

My motorcycles are kept in the garage, nice & snug.

My wifes Freelander lives on the driveway!

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mine is garaged. but still gets a soaking every night.. Holed asbestos roof. Phoned the council up, they will inspect it and until then its rent free, 4 months later and i think they have forgotten about. now I have another dilemma, leaky roof or free garage...?

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i would but the roof is bowed. it would pool up and bring the roof down on my landy! I think the only thing stopping the roof pooling up and coming down is the holes! Horrible stuff asbestos, it was inspected when i originally complained but a not so keen builder turned and just said "nah i aint touching that, its buggared!" and thats all ive heard so far. it would normally be £50/month but for the 6months since i've moved in its been free so i cant complain too much!

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I understand you rent your garage but in case anyone was in the same situation and was interested I used these people to fix my asbestos garage roof.


My garage is a semi-detatched type so just replacing the roof on my side wasn't an option as the sheets span the central wall and the neighbour wasn't interested in spending any money. They fit a moulded base layer onto the asbestos roof which leaves a flat upper surface, they then apply an intermediate & cap sheet of felt for weather protection.

I have had it for two years now and I have to say it is excellent, the moulded base increases the insulation effect and I have not suffered any damp or condensation since. Installation is far quicker than re-roofing and there is no disposal to worry about. As long as the old roof is sound (which mine was, it just leaked around the seams and suffered badly with condensation in the winter) then it is a perfectly acceptable solution. The strength of the roof is increased as the load is spread across a wider area.

It wasn't even expensive, it cost me £1000 including all materials & labour and as no access is required to the underside of the original roof (other than to check it is sound and the fixings are secure) there is no need to empty the garage which is a big bonus.

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