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BAMA off road event, Longmoor, 18 Dec 11

McS Junior

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Great day out, thanks to all the organisers. We came 12th which I'm quite happy with, and learned a lot through out the day on how to tackle the sections more efficiently in future. Another event sometime in January, so I'll try to make that,


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Well, what a good fun event. a very friendly bunch and very well run and put together (as BAMA events always have been)

It was good to get back to the grass roots of off roading, nothing too demanding on a terrain perspective but plenty of grey matter needed for the map reading as to be expected. (having said that we did get stuck though when we came off route!)

was an early start for us to get up there (0300hrs) and a late run back but well worth it.

A big thank you to Ross for making us aware that is was on, please pass on our thanks to the organisers.

Next one is 29 Jan i believe - Bramley Heath near Basingstoke - Ex Rickshaw Ramble

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Indeed a fun day out and very well run/organised.

was an early start for us to get up there (0300hrs) and a late run back but well worth it

And I though we had an early start leaving Oxford at 05:00!

We did embarrassingly badly and also got stuck but it was our first competitive event and we will endeavour to do better in January.

For anyone who wishes to analyse the score sheet I grabbed a quick snap on my phone which I will try to attach.........


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I'd just like to add my thanks to others on here for a good day out and some back to basics, no frills offroading (and getting lost).

And we went home with a very nice trophy as well!

Grid refs and bearings next time please!

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Kev and I had a really good day. Something I have not really done before, but will quite likley do again.

Looking at the scores, hats off to Chris Bowler - 5 penalties across 6 phases is really impressive!



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I'd just like to add my thanks to others on here for a good day out and some back to basics, no frills offroading (and getting lost).

And we went home with a very nice trophy as well!

Grid refs and bearings next time please!

Wooden spoon? :P

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My co driver/ navigator was a chap called Mark Burton - ex Royal Engineers - fits a mean kitchen and is a whizz on the maps!!! He does the nav - I just drive!!!

I would like to express my thanks to the BAMA organising team for another excellent event - if these become more popular, this will encourage more events to be run - we used to run 8-10 events a year in thier hayday run by servicemen on a whole variety of training areas and also on the public road and green lanes - all with the emphasis on navigation - I remember ROADMASTER used to be a 2.5 day event with 60 cars!!! with 130-150 miles of pure off road navigation across Salsibury Plain in mid November!!!

Speaking to a few crews on Sunday, this type of event makes a welcome change to pure off roading and challenge events and gives a chance to do some thinking aswell as some driving !!! Hope we can do some more of these - see you all at RICKSHAW RAMBLE BRAMLEY!!!

Chris Bowler

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Hi Chris, I guessed you were in fact the driver. My comment was more of a light hearted dig based on the fact that co-drivers/navigators rarely get the credit they deserve. The impression I got was that this was a event that was easy on drivers and tough on navigators yet the winning driver was congratulated with no mention of his co-driver. Not a dig at you specifically Mark for making the comment, since it is the same throughout the world of motor sport. Few people remember the names of the co-drivers who sat next to the likes of Richard burns or Colin Mcrae but they were just as important in the success of the drivers mentioned.

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No offence taken Mark, I wondered if that's what you were getting at, but it was Chris I was chatting to at the end... so that is the name that stuck with me. :)

For this event, I was the co-driver/navigator for our team (car 18) with Kev driving. My comments were based on the faces I know to talk to, rather than what role they played in a team....



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My co driver/ navigator was a chap called Mark Burton - ex Royal Engineers - fits a mean kitchen and is a whizz on the maps!!! He does the nav - I just drive!!!

I would like to express my thanks to the BAMA organising team for another excellent event - if these become more popular, this will encourage more events to be run - we used to run 8-10 events a year in thier hayday run by servicemen on a whole variety of training areas and also on the public road and green lanes - all with the emphasis on navigation - I remember ROADMASTER used to be a 2.5 day event with 60 cars!!! with 130-150 miles of pure off road navigation across Salsibury Plain in mid November!!!

Speaking to a few crews on Sunday, this type of event makes a welcome change to pure off roading and challenge events and gives a chance to do some thinking aswell as some driving !!! Hope we can do some more of these - see you all at RICKSHAW RAMBLE BRAMLEY!!!

Chris Bowler

I have competed against Mark burton many times before when I was in the Navy. He has a very good track record when it comes to driving. I used to with the help of rangy rover (mark) run the ex compass rose in bovington army base. It was all bar 1 year 100% off road.

Mark and I used to spend weeks doing the recce then just before an event decide to work out a route for the comp. excellent times for some free and decent off roading. Ask mark how deep a Landy that's not waterproofed can go into a tank wash lol

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my opinion of this event was it was good to do something different, certainly needed to brush up on map reading. Really well planned and executed.

but I would like to see some tougher terrain. i know they need to start somewhere and yeah very different going from challenge events to map reading ( I didn't expect it to be a challenge as i have done these events years ago, I seriously considered taking my P38 as knew they would need to cater for everyone) but for feedback wise, I wont enter future events for next year as for me cost over enjoyment it didn't totally float my boat . never the less i had a good day and went in to it with an open mind, and to gauge if it was an event for me. if we have any new member of the club wanting this type of thing then i would certainly encourage them to take part at the BAMA are very welcoming.

hope that doesn`t sound negative but just my feedback on what i like to do when i go out offroading.

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