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Can you jet wash the engine?


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As title says.............Can you jet wash the engine?

I know steam cleaning would be best, but don't have one and cant afford to take it in somewhere!

As it's a 300tdi is jet washing the engine an option?

If there are no responses to this in a short time i will take it you are all too busy drying/changing your pants to reply,

and will take it as a no!

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Yes just use common sense. Don't do it when the engine is sizzling hot (cracked manifold...), don't point the spray directly at anything obviously electrical if you can avoid it, and as above, use degreaser, and avoid getting the nozzle right up close to anything that might leak/break.

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Went to Hal***** to get some De-greaser.......

Noticed that a few of the different brands say to cover anything electrical!........So bang went the theory that i could just spray the

stuff all over the engine bay without a care in the world!

Any how sprayed carefully well sort of left a few minutes then jet washed it down more carefully!....A hell of a lot cleaner, not show clean

but then it's a Defender why would you?......Then a light to liberal spray of WD40.....Then went to start it up...........

...........Closed my eyes..................Finger in my one good ear.............Prayed..............Prayed some more.........Turned key!

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it started! phew that was close

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jet washed my 300tdi disco, turned the key............. and nothing!!!

turned out i blew a wire off so replaced it and all was well, in all seriousness, switch off when washing, use a good degreasr (sorry cant spell!!) and before start up just check air intake pipes etc are all connected, also check all wires are as they should be and all will be fine!!! :i-m_so_happy: :i-m_so_happy: :i-m_so_happy:

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truckwash for me as it cums out the hot wash jetwash we have at work

cant be doin jetwasshing at home as it took weeks for the remains that were left on the floor to be washed away and the get out and put away of the jetwash too lol

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I used traffic film remover (TFR) it's much better than jizer. Don't know who sells it, got mine from work. All diesels are ok with water, it's just the high voltage electrics you've got to keep dry on petrol engines.

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