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Bought a (probably) stolen transfer box-what would you do?

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Needed a 1.4 transfer box for a complete transmission change I've got planned at the Easter hols, I'd asked in the wanted section on here but most were a bit too far away.

Ended up winning one on Ebay for £50, picked it up Sunday morning but was rushing to get back and stressed from finding the place. In my hurry I never checked the serial number, been busy since but managed to get time to look it over tonight----the first 3 or 4 digits of the serial have been ground off-just leaving 471E, it has the 1.4 sticker stuck in the right place.

Absolutely gutted-I've probably got part of someones pride and joy and I've helped the chain of scum that thieve Defenders to break for parts- I cant see any reason to be in the area of a transfer box with a 4 1/2" grinder unless you want to remove the numbers. Im normally switched on-I would have walked away had I been a bit more with it-I guess being tired and under time restraints made me slip up a bit.

It was bought via ebay but paid cash so not much come back I guess, too far to take it back and I doubt no chance of getting cash back off the guy.

Im not wanting to stick it on my truck-my conscience and Karma wont let me.

Any ideas what I do ?

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If you're concerned then give the police station local to where you bought the transfer box a call. That bit of info might just help, or they may not be the slightest bit bothered and you can stick the box on with a clear conscience. Not much else you can do unless you have the rest of the serial number and can match it to a stolen and unrecovered car.

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There's no way of matching the serial number on the box to an individual vehicle unless the original owner recorded it.

Therefore quite pointless to grind off any numbers I'd have thought.

Besides, assuming it was stolen, it may have changed hands, quite legitimately, several times since.

If you want to avoid buying possible stolen parts, always ask for a written receipt and proof of where the part came from.

That's not going to happen is it?

Fit it, but make sure you secure your truck or it could be back on ebay again.

You wont stop the trade in stolen parts until people take more trouble to stop their trucks getting stolen in the first place.

Whenever a stolen vehicle gets posted up on here, they don't appear to have been fitted with extra security devices, easy pickings?

Also is it just me, or are the greatest numbers of thefts in areas that have the greatest number of L/R breakers?

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I'd ask the police for advice (in writing if possible), after all they (or VOSA) are the ones that you will end up explaining things to if for some reason you get pulled up on having a half ground off serial number. Whilst it may be perfectly legit it will always look suspicious. Far better to have a quote from the police saying it was ok to use it than to be telling them 'my mate said it would be fine'

Just my 2p worth

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I guess it gives them the chance to wave a UV light over it, and check for one of the various trackers that some folk mark their vehicles with. Probably nothing found, so then you're in the clear. If they do find something, you'll have the satisfaction of a defender owner getting (a small part of) their pride and joy back, maybe, and the lowlifes responsible one step closer to being dealt with.

You don't think the serial number has been altered as the box has in some way been re-conditioned?


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You can recover the serial number - on steel at least and it may be possible on Aluminium.

On steel, it leaves micro-fractures deep into the surface. If you sand the surface flat then put vinegar on it - after a while, the ground off characters become visible. This is due to a chemical reaction which will probably not work on Aluminium

I wonder if something like DyPen might work on Ali - soak in to the fractures providing contrast with the surface?


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Just to put a small spanner in the works. What happens if / when he find a serial number ?

I've probably got 3 or 4 TF boxes either fitted or in storage. I wouldn't have the foggiest as to what their numbers were.


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You can recover the serial number - on steel at least and it may be possible on Aluminium.

On steel, it leaves micro-fractures deep into the surface. If you sand the surface flat then put vinegar on it - after a while, the ground off characters become visible. This is due to a chemical reaction which will probably not work on Aluminium

I wonder if something like DyPen might work on Ali - soak in to the fractures providing contrast with the surface?


You want weak sodium hydroxide apparently


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