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Gearbox rattle


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My 88's gearbox has started rattling, do we think it could be the release bearing?

Symptoms are; engine running, out of gear, clutch up or down, no noise.

All gears, clutch up, theres a distinct 'ticking' which changes speed as vehicle speed changes.

When I press the clutch, to change gear, the 'ticking' quickly subsides, and returns when the clutch comes back up.

Coasting at speed out of gear, clutch up, there is no noise. Keeping it in gear, with clutch up, that ticking is still there!

The gearbox was reconditioned by AW Transmissions last November, and fitted in Feb as Kettle was rebuilt after our accident. Its filled with a redline gear oil, as a previous thread, and hasn't be pushed hard - no heavy towing or serious offroading. Yes its TDi'd, but I do the majority of the driving, and I don't push it.

Almost wish i'd put a new bearing in now when we put the 'box in

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The release bearing ONLY bears on the clutch withdrawal plate or the end of the diaphragm fingers depending on installation. Accordingly it makes no difference if the rest of the transmission is in gear or out of gear.

They usually moan or grind when the pedal is depressed - and can carry on for their entire life making noises occasionally if they are the S3 type.

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Its tied to engine speed. When you go up a gear, the 'frequency' of the ticking is lower and increases as the revs rise, until you go up a gear, and then it starts off slower again and rises with the revs. I'm wondering if its the input shaft bearing then?

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Does it only do it as you accelerate? Try to replicate it, and as the ticking starts, back off the throttle to merely maintain the existing speed. If that silences the noise, then it's justt he Tdi injectors - I get that too and it's just a characteristic of the fairly crude 200 Tdi fuel system, but it does sound quite loud and tends to sound like a transmission fault.

The other likely cause is a worn or failing prop shaft UJ which is only revealing itself when significatn torque is applied to the transmission. I think that bearing issues within the gear or transfer box are unlikely, though not impossible, and any input pinon bearing issue would be unlikley to show up in 4th gear as there are no tangental (radial) loads on the shaft in that gear, only torque. I can;t see it being the clutch, either.

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  • 1 month later...

This is proving to be a tricky one, for whatever reason the noise comes an goes as it feels like it. It seems to be that if it's doing it when you start the engine, it'll keep doing it and not go away. However, it doesn't always do it when you start her, an it may be absent for several days, or it may start doing it during the journey.

There is a little play in the front UJ of the rear prop. I'll be ordering some bits for the back axle of The 109 early next month so I'll order a UJ rebuild kit too and get it done. Meanwhile, I'll try and work through the suggestions, should the noise make itself apparent over the weekend.

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It's not something silly like a loose manifold stud, the ticking is the exhaust leaking once per revolution, and as it's close to the block you hear the aftermath of combustion?

Mine does something similar under load - it's done it pretty much constantly in the 18 months that I've had it, with the old 2 and a quarter and now the 2.5 petrol. It shouldn't be UJs as they've all been changed, clutch and associated bearing were changed when the engine was swapped...

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Wave a fag paper around the manifold to find exhaust leaks.

So does it do it when the engine's running weather the clutch is up and down or in or out of gear? Sounds like it's changed?

If it changes with engine revs then it's not props etc as that'd be road speed. So it's either something on the engine or the input side of the gearbox. Next time it does it, dip the clutch and rev it, see if it changes with revs or stays constant with road speed.

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I'm going to have to write all these down!

We're having a spell of being quiet it seems, nothing last night, and nothing this morning...we'll see what happens this afternoon.

There's nothing wrapped around either prop - checked the front aswell just in case, although FWH fitted and unlocked, the prop does tend to rotate a little, albeit slowly.

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  • 5 months later...

Its back....with a vengeance! Noticed it starting again Friday, been to Braunston today and tried to get some a feel for what it does. I topped the oil up a week or two back, thats all I've done.

Accelerate, steady or hard, and its there. Back off and maintain a speed, and its there. Dip clutch and let engine revs drop, then rev and its there. Re engage clutch and it carries on.

Had intended taking the vid camera to try and record it but got tied up bathing the dog and was then nearly late for my meeting, will try and do it some time in the next week.

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If it's really loud and sharply metallic, try wobbling the exhaust around by hand (cold, obviously!) - a misaligned exhaust or bad exhaust mountings cause the pipe to rattle against the lhs transmission mounting bracket and make a hell of a racket.

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I'll have a check, think its ok though.

And in tipical fault finding mode....its stopped again!

Silly thought, it couldn't be the starter pinion hanging up could it? I've been having trouble for a while, where the starter doesn't engage first flick, although it always has second time. don't suppose its related is it? I know its straight cut teeth unlike turbine barring gear so there's no immediate inclination I can see for it to through the pinion off.

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Tdi starters are pre-engaged, so it won't be that.

I do occasionally get annoying small rattles from the yellow lever - the linkages wear and the funnel shaped bush where the base oft he spring presses down can create light rattles and squeaks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As luck would have it, she started doing it on Friday as we were on the M6, having the camera handy the wife's tried to catch it.

An additional thought, we were running pure DERV at the time. I've today added 20l of SVO, and it seems as thought its gone away....could be my imagination though!

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