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Jerry Can Fuel Pumps - Anygood ?


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Yes.....i'm lazy !

Just wondering if the jerry can transfer pumps are any good ?

I have to pour my fuel into a jug from the jerry can before pouring it into the tank due to the location of my filler.


A spout is no good either !


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I used something similar to this to transfer water from a jerry can, it worked but was painfully slow as you are using gravity to syphon the fluid from the can. I switched to a 12v in-line pump which was far better/faster.

If you were not in any hurry you can just add a priming ball, (used on outboards) to a piece of fuel line to save ingesting fuel. which will be a lot cheaper and tougher than the devise you have listed.


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If there is room to syphon (i.e. you can sit the can higher than the vehicle - in your case I guess the roof would be fine) I'd get a jiggle pump


Cheap, nothing to go wrong (a ball bearing in a tube) no ignition risk, tough and can be chucked anywhere. I used to use one on my old RIB for refuelling - it isn't quick (a few minutes to empty a jerrycan because it's only running under gravity) but a lot less risk of spillage than pouring anything. You just stick the end in the can of whatever (water, fuel, any other liquid), jiggle the end up and down a few times which forces the fuel up the pipe and down the other side, and then it syphons under gravity. Just like sucking the end of the pipe but without the mouthful of fuel and spluttering ;)

The ones you buy are usually supplied with about 1 - 2 metres of hose but you can take the jiggle fitting off and fit it on to any plastic pipe the same size if it needs to be longer.

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Of course looking at the principle you could eliminate the pump and connect your onboard air instead, that would dump the fuel under high pressure in seconds.... most likely atomising the petrol and causing a massive explosion with the slightest static spark :blink:

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The item you linked to suggests 35 seconds to empty the can! That is NOT slow.

I have seen one used, it pressurises the can, which IMO isn't quite a syphon principle. The problems I witnessed were to do with getting a good seal around the spout of the Jerrican.

It seemed rather too easy for my liking to have fuel spraying all over the place :o

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I have to pour my fuel into a jug from the jerry can before pouring it into the tank due to the location of my filler.


These are plopplops, nice idea, badly made and very over priced.

The first one we had split around the neck the first time we used it, they replaced it, the replacement did not even get close to making a air tight fit around the spout of the jerry can, bit of trimming with a Stanley and I got a it to seal, tired to use it and petrol leaked poured of the pressure relief valve.

I am awaiting a refund, I am not holding my breath.

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I'd second the jiggle pump suggestion, due to the location of the filler on the tank of my challenge motor it's impossible to safely empty a jerry can into it. With a jiggle pump I just sit the jerry can on top of the tank, a few dodgy looking arm movements and it'll empty the jerry can in a couple of minutes.

The one I carry with me was one I bought in 2005 so it's been kicking around in the back of my challenge motor for over 7 years and still works fine.

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