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Steering box prices


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Can anyone verify a steep rise in the price of power steering boxes?

I have checked the web and it seems from most sites there has been no change but I was told today that the new price plus 175 euro from original quote a couple of months back at 650 euro all in :angry2:

So what does anyone else know of?

Or am I being taken for a ride again :unsure:

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TBH want to steer clear of recon/remanufactured boxes as I have heard nothing but problems to be had and no warranty to claim against is not what I have planned but getting to the end of my tether with the costs of this rebuild :angry2: For what I am spending on this thing here I could have created a sheer masterpiece back home!!!

I am still pondering the costs of the seal kit at 47 euro as to whether or not it is worth a punt?

Or wait another couple of weeks until I have enough money for the new box? Got them down to 588 euro from 650 so better but still a lot!!!

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Adwest seem to have stopped selling them direct unfortunately. It came up on another forum the other day and the parts seem to have disappeared from their website. Is be happy to be proven wrong on this though!

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Adwest seem to have stopped selling them direct unfortunately. It came up on another forum the other day and the parts seem to have disappeared from their website. Is be happy to be proven wrong on this though!

correct :i-m_so_happy:

My usual source told me there was a marked increase from the 1st of March hence the steering box being now 650 and not the originally quoted 475 euro!!!

He came up with a LR reconditioned box for about 430 but still no warranty to be had!! I really am being very OTT with using new parts and making sure of warranties but when I change my circumstances I will be cash strapped for a little while and this thing has to have everything with as much warranty against failure as I can find!

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Adwest seem to have stopped selling them direct unfortunately. It came up on another forum the other day and the parts seem to have disappeared from their website. Is be happy to be proven wrong on this though!

Bought one direct a few weeks back.....

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Bought one direct a few weeks back.....

Funnily it was my alternative supplier that told me they were not supplying direct anymore and the lack of details I can see on their web site seems to support that too, so perhaps I should call them tomorrow and see for myself?

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Cool, this one on ebay:


Is only marginally more, so wont hurt too much if they're not selling them direct any more.

I know the drop arms are a nightmare to get off on old boxes, but anyone know if they'll come off easily on a new box like this? I need to fit a straight arm to go with my disco steering arms... Or maybe they can be ordered with a straight arm?

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There's a guy in France offering new Adwest lhd boxes at €501 delivered (to France)... can't seem to find 'em any cheaper than that. How far are you from the border....?

North of the border, I'm in the Limburg district, probably more than 150kms from the border :(

Will stump up the 588 and be done with it, only a week to wait for the readies and then I have a guarantee to back it up with I suppose......

Non gen recon box here is 387 euro outright purchase....... Have contemplated one of them and a seal kit for 47 and see where I end up :rolleyes:

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Not really as they are happy to sell me a box as an individual, but won't be until tomorrow until I know what actual cost will be as I forgot the time and it was late when I called, but I am covering all my options here and planning for worst case that they could be more expensive supplying an individual box to a private customer as opposed a bulk purchase of say 10 units to a retailer!!

Will post up when I know more tomorrow......

was playing stub axle swapping tonight and oh boy is my tolerance for rusty nuts and bolts wearing thin,..... Lets hope good or at least better news tomorrow.....

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