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Ignition off but engine keeps running!

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About 50% of the time, when I turn off my ignition, the engine does not shut off. I've noticed that if I turn it off VERY slowly, almost half-way, it will sluggishly turn off. But if I just turn the key to off, the engine stays on. I can even take the key out and he keeps running! Is this common? What do I do??

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Sounds to me like you have a defective [sticking] contact in the ignition switch which is failing to disconnect the fuel-solenoid when you turn the ignition-switch to '0'.

Alternatively, it's possible for some alternator-related problems to continue to feed power to the fuel-solenoid even when you turn the key to '0'.


"Do not despize the snake for having no horns, for who is to say he will not become a dragon?"

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either dodgy ign switch or sounds like your stop solenoid on fuel injection pump has given up. try pulling the white wire off to see if this will stop engine. P.S don't lean in from front of engine amongst moving belts fans etc. make a slave extension length wire up and do it from the comfort of nowhere near the moving parts.

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  • 1 month later...

Tiny particles in the chamber that the stop solenoid screws into can prevent the engine starting or stopping. Unscrew the stop solenoid and suck out the bits with a syringe and short length of tubing. If there are bits there, even installing a new shut off solenoid will not cure it.

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Tiny particles in the chamber that the stop solenoid screws into can prevent the engine starting or stopping. Unscrew the stop solenoid and suck out the bits with a syringe and short length of tubing. If there are bits there, even installing a new shut off solenoid will not cure it.

a FIP overhaul will be required, I had similar issues on my 200tdi FIP a few years ago, after a rebuild it's been fine since.

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First thing to do, next time it refuses to shut down, is pull the lead off the stop solenoid.

If it stops, then its an electrical issue, if it doesnt then its a mechanical issue with the solenoid.

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