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What's letting the smoke out?


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Just had to turn round and come home because there's smoke coming out the vents on the disco :(

Not sure where it's coming from - can't see any sign of it outside the cabin, so presumably somewhere within the dash. Turned off everything I could but it didn't stop it (if you turn off the fan you need to be moving before it starts coming from the vents - pretty much as you'd expect).

My first though was that something electrical was cooking, but I'd expect a really acrid smell - this doesn't smell much at all. The nearest I can think of is theatrical smoke. Smoke that doesn't smell = water vapour? Maybe a leaking heater matrix? Holding my hand in front of the vent doesn't make it damp though.

Any ideas?

Looks like this weekends entertainment is going to be taking the disco dash to bits :(

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Oi, I'm not that dense :angry:


No aircon on this truck - it's a base model 300TDi. Besides, since when did land rover aircon chill anything enough to create vapour trails?!!


Get him

My disco does it when the Aircon is working hard had it checked out and was told a long winded reason why but basicly not worth worring about...and to check the drain is clear..

never mind sorry

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were you on mountain ridge ? could it of been cloudy... :D

sorry, coat on

Mountain ridge? Not many of them round Birmingham...

My disco does it when the Aircon is working hard had it checked out and was told a long winded reason why but basicly not worth worring about...and to check the drain is clear..

My mates Saab does it too - it's actually pretty simple. Jet of icy cold air meets warm air. Cold air can hold more water than warm, so I guess it'll be moisture from the cold air condensing as it warms.

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ahh Geoff, thats the sound of holy praise as gods fuel is consumed in an appropriate manner,

"And I shall send down a fine mist to smite your enemys, and low the idolatry of WD40 shalt not save them, those that find solice the fuel of the lord shall inherit the lake" Book of Haynes, Chapter 3 Vs 2 (just after the removing an ashtray section)

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Do you by any chance wear glasses and had just come out of a sauna with them on? :ph34r:

................ grab coat and runs off into the far flung mists very quickly...

when you start to investigate, whip out all the fuses, turn on the ignition and have a small caranry in a cage to sniff out the smoke, replace fuses one by one - that way you limit the damage should it be electrical.

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ahh Geoff, thats the sound of holy praise as gods fuel is consumed in an appropriate manner,

"And I shall send down a fine mist to smite your enemys, and low the idolatry of WD40 shalt not save them, those that find solice the fuel of the lord shall inherit the lake" Book of Haynes, Chapter 3 Vs 2 (just after the removing an ashtray section)


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Just had to turn round and come home because there's smoke coming out the vents on the disco :(

Not sure where it's coming from - can't see any sign of it outside the cabin, so presumably somewhere within the dash.

Pot smoking gerbil(s)?

Put your ear to the vent. Can you hear reggae music?

Suggest you "kill their vibe" and with luck, they may move on and squat elsewhere.

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see thats what you get taking the mickey :lol:

O/T s'not a leaky heater matrix is it? do the windows steam up when you turn the lump off?

See first post - I thought that, but it doesn't seem to be humid. Didn't steam up, but there wasn't a huge amount of it coming from the vents and there's plenty of room to disperse it in a disco.

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its still warm out though so it may not condense, does the vapour have a faintly sweet smell?

Possibly. It's hard to tell in the vicinity of a smelly diseasel :P

Seriously, I haven't cleared all the carp (in the litteral sense - at least three varieties) out my truck since I was up in the lake district, plus I was stopped at the side of a busy road, so all I can really say for sure is it doesn't smell very strong.

Sweet smell would indicate coolant, wouldn't it?

Edited to add:

Or the gerbils.

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