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Help low range selection broke urgent!!

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Hi all let my mate have a go of my 90 and he managed to **** up the low range selection

I have removed the covers and chased back the linkages and it leads to this block I've taken a pic of I think this could be the problem

I know how it used to feel and it now feels loose and limp what component needs to be changed and could I do it on my drive? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Tom


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iirc it's a grub screw that holds the selector lever to the shaft in the housing . Just take the block off

and tighten the grub screw , not a big job just a bit fiddly with space.

Some Threadlock glue could be used on the grubscrew if you want to



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Just remove the 6 bolts and lift the selector housing Off the t-case, there's no witch craft hiding behind it!

From memory there are a few different types of selectors that each fail in their own ways, on one type the weld breaks on another I seem to remember there's a grub screw that comes loose, both faults give the symptoms you describe.

Edit) Steve beat me to it.

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Just remove the 6 bolts and lift the selector housing Off the t-case, there's no witch craft hiding behind it!

From memory there are a few different types of selectors that each fail in their own ways, on one type the weld breaks on another I seem to remember there's a grub screw that comes loose, both faults give the symptoms you describe.

Edit) Steve beat me to it.

Cheers guys so can somebody go through this step by step? I'm going to be attempting this on my lunch hour tomorrow in work is that enough time?

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Yes I would say so, I had a Grub screw come loose on mine, I lost the ability to get into low range however I retained high and neutral and it all felt very limp.

It is as simple as removing the 6 bolts as said that hold the selector on top of the gearbox. Inside you will see a shaft running across it and a little metal selector that faces down into the transfer box.

If its a grub screw that's loose then you will see that and you just need to tighten it with your allen key. If actually broken then pop it back together, order a new one and replace when that arrives - Simple.

Best Wishes


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As others have said a loose grub screw in the selector is the most likely cause.

For step by step instruction:.

First clean the area up as best you can, you don't want muck dropping into the box if you can help it.

Disconnect the connector shaft ( left of your picture), there is a sprung clip and then the pin pulls out, there should be a couple of plastic shims there, these can fall out and get lost so if they are loose take them out and store them safely, sometimes they have gone missing in the past, its not the end of the world but will allow more movement and rattle in the selector.

Remove the six bolts and lift the housing up.

Inside there will be a shaft attached to the lever on the outside, this will have a selector on it, if this can move on the shaft then it is loose, there is normally a flat on the shaft so line up the selector there and tighten the grub screw, a blob of thread lock will help it stay firm if you have any. I have never seen a welded selector that others have mentioned but if you have that and it is broken then you will either need to get it re welded or get a replacement, I expect if you ask in the wanted section you would get one for not much more than the postage.

When you replace the selector, I think there is suposed to be a gasket but I normally just use a bead of gasket sealant or silicon.

Reconnect the selector shaft and check the operation, you may find it a lot more possitive than before as often the grub screws work loose over time allowing progressively more movement until you finally run out of range.

Hope that is helpfull and good luck.

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As others have said a loose grub screw in the selector is the most likely cause.

For step by step instruction:.

First clean the area up as best you can, you don't want muck dropping into the box if you can help it.

Disconnect the connector shaft ( left of your picture), there is a sprung clip and then the pin pulls out, there should be a couple of plastic shims there, these can fall out and get lost so if they are loose take them out and store them safely, sometimes they have gone missing in the past, its not the end of the world but will allow more movement and rattle in the selector.

Remove the six bolts and lift the housing up.

Inside there will be a shaft attached to the lever on the outside, this will have a selector on it, if this can move on the shaft then it is loose, there is normally a flat on the shaft so line up the selector there and tighten the grub screw, a blob of thread lock will help it stay firm if you have any. I have never seen a welded selector that others have mentioned but if you have that and it is broken then you will either need to get it re welded or get a replacement, I expect if you ask in the wanted section you would get one for not much more than the postage.

When you replace the selector, I think there is suposed to be a gasket but I normally just use a bead of gasket sealant or silicon.

Reconnect the selector shaft and check the operation, you may find it a lot more possitive than before as often the grub screws work loose over time allowing progressively more movement until you finally run out of range.

Hope that is helpfull and good luck.

Thanks for all the quick replys will post up how I get on and if I get stuck!

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Useful thread as I have a very similar symptom on my 90. It drops out of high and then the stick feels very limp and low will not engage. High goes back in easily though. :) One for a cool day or an early morning mend...


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Its fairly common to lose one direction, i.e. easy to get into high range difficult to get in and out of low range or the other way round.

The grub screw tightens on a flat so as it get looser it has more "slack" in the middle before bitting on either side, generally you can adjust the changer to operate one direction or the other but can't get it work both ranges. Eventually of course it will loosen enough not to work at all, hopefully whist in high range if you need to drive the vehicle.

Any problems with the high low range change as people are descriping and this is a quick, easy and cheap thing to check before going onto more expensive options.

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